
3 Q&A With Shaykh Hussam bin Abdullah Al.Husayn

Three Questions & Answers With 
Shaykh Hussam bin Abdullah Al.Husayn

Question # 1: What is the ruling of the prayer (salah) of a person who is praying behind imam and a woman walked in front of him/her? 

Answer # 1: 

[8/9/13 10:36:56 AM] حسام بن عبدالله الحسين: إذا مرت المرأة أمام المصلين فلا تقطع صلاتهم لأن سترة الإمام سترة لهم.  الذي تقطع به الصلاة مرور المرأة أمام الإمام أو المنفرد الذي يصلي وحده

If the woman passed by in front of the people who are praying behind the imam, their prayer is not cut (invalidated) due to her passing in front of them because sutra of the Imam is sutra for them. That which cuts the prayer is the passing of the woman in front of the Imam and the one praying individually. 

Question # 2: What is the ruling of the prayer of a person who prayed while there was impurity on his/her cloth that he/she did not know about? 

Answer # 2: حسام بن عبدالله الحسين: إذا لم يعلم إلا بعد الصلاة فصلاته صحيحة

If he/she did not know except after completing the prayer, then his/her prayer is correct

Question & Answer # 3:  

Nasrin Akther: ما الحكم أن يصلي قيام الليل قبل صلاة العشاء
What is the ruling of praying the night prayer before Ishaa prayer? 

حسام بن عبدالله الحسين: لايصح. فإذا جمع المغرب والعشاء في سفر مثلا جاز له أن يقوم الليل.

Shaykh said: It is not correct. If one combined between the Magrib and Ishaa prayers during a travel for example, then it is permissible for him to do the night prayer. 

Nasrin Akther: قال الشيخ الفوزان : وقت قيام الليل من غروب الشمس إلى الفجر و مع ذلك لا يصح ؟ هل لا بد أن يصلى  العشاء و بعد ذلك القيام الليل.
Shaykh Fawzan said: the time of night prayer is from the sunset to the entrance of Fajr. Along with that, it is not correct? Is it a must to do the Ishaa prayer first then to do the night prayer? 

 حسام بن عبدالله الحسين: هل ممكن تنقلون لي نص كلام الشيخ؟

Shaykh said: Is it possible that you give me the text of the Shaykh’s speech? 

Nasrin Akther: نعم شيخنا

Yes, Shaykh. (The link to the audio of the Shaykh’s Fawzan’s talk). 

  حسام بن عبدالله الحسين: نعم يريد الشيخ أنه من غروب الشمس يسمى قيام ليل ..  .. ومنهم من يرى أنه لايدخل في قيام الليل إلا مابعد العشاء وهو أحوط وأفضل.. أما الوتر فلا شك أنه لايصح قبل صلاة العشاء لا عند الشيخ الفوزان ولا عند غيره.

Shaykh said: Yes, Shaykh desired that it is from the sunset, it is called night prayer. And from amongst them (scholars) are those who say that (the time) for the night prayer does not enter except after Ishaa prayer, and it is more correct and better. As for the Witr (odd prayer), then there is no doubt that it is not correct before the Ishaa prayer, neither with Shaykh Fawzan nor with other than him (meaning every one says Witr prayer must be after Ishaa Prayer). 

Nasrin Akther: بارك الله فيكم شيخنا. أردت  أن أعرف التفصيل لأن بعض الناس يقولون يجوز أن يصلي. قيام الليل/ أي صلاة التراويح قبل صلاة العشاء. هل هناك فرق بينهما. صلاة التراويح في رمضان و قيام الليل في غير رمضان؟

May Allah bless you Shaykhna, i wanted to know the detail because some people say it is permissible to pray the night prayer (meaning the Taraweeh prayer) before Ishaa prayer. Is there a difference between the two, the Taraweeh prayer in Ramadan and the night prayer in other than Ramadan? 

حسام بن عبدالله الحسين: وممن قال بأن قيام الليل يبتدئ بعد العشاء ابن باز.
الحكم واحد في رمضان وغيره.

Shaykh said: From amongst those who said the night prayer starts after Ishaa prayer is Shaykh Ibn Bazz. 

The ruling is same in Ramadan and other than it. 

Question asked and translated by Nasrin As.Salafiyah
Answered by Shaykh Hussam bin Abdullah Al.Husayn
Professor for the Department of Hadith
At the Islamic University of Al-Imam Muhammad bin Saud, Riyad, Saudi
Specialized in the Sunnah and Its Sciences.


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