Ruling on doing Marriage and Walimah in the Masjid
Question: Some people in here does the marriage walimah (feast) and the nikah (marriage ) in the masjid, is this from sunnah? what’s the ruling regarding this?
Answer: It is not from sunnah and there is no evidence regarding its desirability (i.e. doing it in the masjid). However, if it took place in the masjid and there are no evils in it, then there is no problem. Nonetheless, it is not from sunnah and it is not correct to believe that it is better than other than it (i.e. Doing in the masjid is not better than doing in any other place). However, it is permissible.
[The above was about the nikah (marriage)].
As for the walimah (feast), it should not be placed in the masjid.
Question asked and translated by Nasrin As.Salafiyah
Answered by Shaykh Hussam bin Abdullah Al.Husayn
Professor for the Department of Hadith
At the Islamic University of Al-Imam Muhammad bin Saud, Riyad, Saudi
Specialized in the Sunnah and Its Sciences.
[5/20/13 9:44:52 AM]
السؤال: بعض الناس هنا يفعلون وليمة الزواج و النكاح في المسجد، هل هذا من السنة ؟ ما الحكم عن هذا؟
[5/20/13 9:47:03 AM]
الجواب: ليس من السنة ولا دليل على استحبابه ... لكن لو حصل في المسجد ولم يكن فيه منكرات فلا مانع، لكنه ليس سنة، ولا يصح اعتقاد أنه أفضل من غيره ... لكنه مباح ...
أما الوليمة فلا ينبغي وضعها في المسجد
Answered by Shaykh Hussam bin Abdullah Al.Husayn
Professor for the Department of Hadith
At the Islamic University of Al-Imam Muhammad bin Saud, Riyad, Saudi
Specialized in the Sunnah and Its Sciences.