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From: Admin for DrVaniya.com <drvaniya.com_a@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 3:42 PM
Subject: Suurah Yuusuf With Lexical & Grammatical Notes
To: "Admin for DrVaniya.com" <drvaniya.com_a@yahoo.com>
From: Admin for DrVaniya.com <drvaniya.com_a@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 3:42 PM
Subject: Suurah Yuusuf With Lexical & Grammatical Notes
To: "Admin for DrVaniya.com" <drvaniya.com_a@yahoo.com>
Assalaamu "alaikum Brothers & Sisters, Now available from us, are copies of the Shaykh's masterpiece (maa shaa 'Allaah), named: المسعِف في لغةِ وإعرابِ سورةِ يوسف 'Suurah Yuusuf with Lexical & Grammatical Notes' (Arabic-only). Detailed extracts from this are placed in the Advanced Library section. Please see the attached file for a glance at the front cover, and brief introduction, which appears in our Book Fair. Contact us if you would like a copy. Wassalaam admin |