
Teachers to Learn ARabic & Quraan & Tajweed

Firstly, advises on learning arabic, please see here:http://studyarabic.multiply.com/journal
Secondly, there are 3 teachers who are female that are good and teaches for fair prices. they are sisters and they teach sisters and the price is good and you get to learn as you please at your own time from your own home. Alhamdulillah

The best of the three is the sister whose arabic program website is: http://www.golden-arabic-pieces.net/ - per hour she charges is you $6.50 some dollars, that's it. She is a very qualified teacher maashaaAllah. I strongly recommend you to take advantage of her and her knowledge if you can afford it inshaaAllah.

The second best of the three is: Umm Yahya Manar, she is quite qualified but not as good as the first one in my opinion only, she charges $5 dollars per hour. She is very more flexible than the above sister. she has a facebook page for her arabic program:http://www.facebook.com/pages/manaratularab-center-learn-Arabic-Quran-online/228938097129316?sk=info [at your request i can give you her skype id and email but you have her email on this facebook page as well to contact her] 

  • and the Last one who is not someone who studied Arabic to teach it but she is native arab too and she has been teaching for a year after taking some teaching workshop and one of her student said she is good compared to the first teacher. Her name is Nada, and she charges only $3 dollars per hour. Please email me for her contact info.

    They all speak English and they are all native arabs. So take advantage and learn Arabic to learn your religion and the Book of Allah and sunnah of the Rasul Allah sallallahu alayhe wa sallam. and Remember i only shared their info for you to learn ARABIC ONLY ONLY ONLY and nothing else, and i have no idea about any of these sisters and their manhaj and knowledge of Islam or anything else. So beware and learn only Arabic and always ask your teachers to inform you about their study and experience in teaching Arabic info. InshaaAllah.

    I hope you enjoy your Eid day and eid gift.


    Maybe some of you who really want a teacher for Quraan and Arabic for a fair amount of money and one to one learning environment can join her. she is overall well. She mostly speaks Arabic, but knows English too. They have other teachers. Trust worthy and helpful of course. she takes about 3 to 4 dollars i believe but gives you discounts if you need it really. so good price overall and you get what you paid for. you always have to be specific and have to ask what you want. and always do not hesitate to know the education background and experiences of your teacher.

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: arabic forum

    how ary you sisters?
    we requset alot of student in shaaAllah, we have a lot of time
    can you send mail to your friends to quraan & arabic classes

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