
more useful arabic learning materials.

Blog EntryOct 13, '11 9:57 AM
by Nasrin for everyone
Oct 13, '11 9:55 AM
for everyone
http://www.4shared.com/document/wBgUtXAi/nooraniyyah.html" target=_blank>nooraniyyah.pdf<
http://www.4shared.com/audio/RC875o-H/____________.html" target=_blank>متن القاعدة النورانية للشيخ اسامة قاري محمد رفيق ( الجزء الأول).mp3

http://www.4shared.com/audio/8KPyqALx/___________.html" target=_blank>متن القاعدة النورانية للشيخ اسامة قاري محمد رفيق ( الجزء الثاني.mp3
http://www.4shared.com/audio/jpie7rqs/____________.html" target=_blank>متن القاعدة النورانية للشيخ اسامة قاري محمد رفيق ( الجزء الرابع).mp3
http://www.4shared.com/audio/Oo3dWnGp/___________.html" target=_blank>متن القاعدة للشيخ اسامة قاؤي محمد رفيق ( الجزء الثالث).mp3

From: Zubair Sab  zubairsab08@gmail.com 
Date: 15 September 2011 09:52:01 GMT+01:00
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Methodology of Teaching & Learning the Arabic Language

الحمد لله رب العالمين وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه ومن اهتدى بهديه إلى يوم الدين أما بعد

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Centre for Islamic Studies (CIS)


An Educative Session on

"Methodology of Teaching & Learning the Arabic Language"

By Dr V Abdur Rahim

The World  Renowned Author of Arabic Books (Duroosul Lughatul 'Arabiyyah-Madeenah Arabic Books).

Date: Insha Allaah 19th Shawwal 1432 Hijri-18th September 2011 (Sunday)
Time : 11:15 am to 1:15 pm
Venue : Prestige Ferozes Terrace, Cunningham Road, Bangalore
[Separate arrangements for Sisters.]
[Special Invitation for Schools and Centres where Arabic Language is taught.]
Contact CIS:  9945144771 for more Info.
Slave of Allah
Abu Maryam Zubair Ibn Hamza
CIS(Centre for Islamic Studies)
Blog EntrySep 11, '11 3:41 PM
for everyone
Bismillah asalamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu

InshaaAllah FREE Tajweed Classes Starting

Class Subject: FREE Tajweed and Hifth Classes for SISTERS ONLY for Children and also for Adults
Cost: FREE Completely 
Day: Every single Saturday ONLY
Time # 1: from 12pm to Zuhr Salah time [For Children]
Time # 2: From after the Zuhr Salah till the Asr Salah [For Adults]
Location: Masjid Ahlul-Quraan wa As-Sunnah 109-06, Van Wyck Expwy, Queens, NY 11416
Teacher: A native Egyptian female teacher who has memorized the entire Quraan and has izajah for teaching Quraan, someone who is very patient and good mannered. Alhamdulillah.

So BENEFIT if you are able to make to the classes inshaaAllah.

Wasalamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu
Blog EntrySep 10, '11 9:56 AM
by Nasrin for everyone
Al- Andalus center for  Arabic language & quran

(ACA) has been established since 2003

مركز الأندلس لتعليم اللغة العربية والقرآن الكريم

Arabic in Egypt        study


Learn the Most Comprehensive and Complete Classical Arabic Language Program in Cairo

Learn Arabic Language Online

 1- Home :
ALAndalus center for Arabic Language Sciences is to provide high quality educational opportunities to students from all segments of the world, and to help contribute to Egypt's rich cultural and intellectual life. The pursuit of excellence is central to ACA mission, and the center maintains high standards of academic achievement, professional behavior and ethical conduct ACA is committed to help ensure that non- speakers of Arabic Language who migrated for the sake of learning the Classical Arabic Language receive quality learning at the lowest cost possible. Finally, The center seeks to maintain a highly qualified faculty. All teachers are native speakers of Arabic Language, and graduated from prestigious universities in Egypt. Emphasis is placed on excellence in teaching as well as on research, creative work and faculty members' intellectual contributions to their disciplines

2- About Us :

Al-andalus center for Arabic Language (ACA) : has been established since 2003 with the aim of teaching Modern Standard Arabic (Fus'ha) to students world-wide.

At al-andalus Center, we believe that no program can be successful without well-trained, skilled teachers. Therefore, we exert the utmost efforts in providing the student with only the best teachers, specialized in teaching the Arabic Language to non-Native speakers In order to ensure the student's success

3- Our Goals :
Our goals are to train non-Arabic speakers to become proficient in speaking, writing, and reading the Arabic language

Our aim is to provide high quality information for all those who wish to study Al Quran( the reading)

4- Why study with :
* Al-andalus Center has devoted rigorous efforts to provide the student with the best programs, which are designed to meet the student's needs in learning the Arabic language
At – * al-andalus Center you will receive quality educational service by an experienced institution equipped with highly skilled and qualified teachers using the latest techniques and most effective curriculum..
A flexibility to change the studying times*
•*A variety of studying times. You can select from among morning and evening classes

- 5 Programs :

Classical Arabic (Foss-ha) Programs : book (Al A rabiyya Bayna Yadayk

Program Description
This program is geared towards providing our students with the necessary information and training needed to enhance rapid learning along with gradual skill building techniques in the areas of:
Verbal articulation;
Reading and comprehension;
Program 2:
Madinah books (3 books)
In this program, students will cover the well known syllabus taught in Madinah University. These books cover Islamic topics based on dialogues whilst teaching the student the Arabic grammar in a simple way through the conversations.

3- Program

Al-Kitaab Al-Asaasee Program (12 levels)
The Kitaab Al-Asaasee Program utilizes short, fictional stories based upon routine life situations (i.e. traveling, dining out, visiting the doctor, etc.) to familiarize students with Arabic phrases and grammatical structures that are commonly used in day-to-day living. This program is ideal for students who wish to focus on the usage of Arabic in conversational and interpersonal settings due to the textual focus on worldly affairs.

:6- Advanced Programs
Advanced Programs in al-andalus are concerned with various branches of the Arabic language, each program concentrates on a specific area. Although they are taught among the different levels of the classical Foss-ha program, these programs are designed to concentrate on the study of these specific areas in a detailed and broad sense.
In addition to our existing programs, we have also developed several new, specialized programs and curriculums, designed to meet the needs of our students in various areas of the Arabic language.

Available Programs :7
"Moha-datha" Conversation Program
Dictation Imlaa program
Rhetoric 'Balaghah'
Advanced Grammar 'Na'hou' and Morphology 'Sarf Program

Other Specialized Programs 8
Specialized Programs in our center are dedicated to various arts of the Arabic Language that are not normally covered in our main language programs, with each program concentrating on a study of a specific art
Arabic for Journalism 1-
Arabic Phonetics (Tajweed))2-
khataba’ Public speaking3-

If any of the above programs are not suitable for you and you wish to make your own program then please contact us with your desired program of study and we will endeavour to make this possible for you.

9- Tajweed and Hifz program
Welcome to the first web-based Quran Memorization tool. Listen to the world-renown Sheikh Siddiq Minshawi's beautiful recitation of the Holy Quran.
This tool helps both children and adults learn the proper recitation and memorization of the Holy Quran .
Program Tajweed and Hifz is for those students wishing to perfect their Quranic recitations and/or wish to memorize the Quran. A teacher, who has Ijaza (certificate to teach Quran) will teach you Tajweed (rules of how to read the Quran) as well help you memorise the Quran or parts of it. Those who learn it well will receive a certificate in order to teach others Tajweed
Learning Quran online has been made possible by providing reasonable rates for online classes for the people living anywhere in the world. One to One classes are organised . High quality conversational softwares are used . In most of cases Desired time is provide

10- Child program
Welcome to the first web-based Quran Memorization tool. Listen to the world-renown Sheikh Siddiq Minshawi's beautiful recitation of the Holy Quran.
This tool helps both children and adults learn the proper recitation and memorization of the Holy Quran .
Its a great problem for the parents to provide Quran education to their kids in the western world. They either can't hire the Quran teachers or they don't have any tajweed teacher available close to their houses So they don't make their children Quran literate. Keeping in view all these problems, we have established an online quran academy named as ALAndalus Center. ALAndalus Center basically stands for Electronic Quran Center

Arabic program
Kitaab Al-Assasey (book 1).
Students opting to study program 1 will study a well known book called “Kitaab Al-Assasey” which has been taught all over the world. Kitaab Al-Assasey focuses on the Arabic grammar as well as conversation

Email : moazashraf@yahoo.com

Skype Name of the director and teacher dr : moazashraf2

12- study online
Program : study Arabic& quran online
welcome to study arabic fusha online (ACA)Now you can fulfil your dream of learning Arabic abroad from the comfort of your home via the internet using the latest technology on the market. Through the internet, an ACA  teacher will be with you, teaching you the language of the Quran, step by step, through listening, speaking and writing. Studying Arabic through the internet saves you from worrying about the problems of studying abroad such as leaving your job, family and friends, saving money, accommodation arrangements etc. With ACA, you do not need to come to us, we will come to you! We believe that we have the capability, experience and professionalism to make studying through the internet equal to learning face to face with a teacher
al-andalus center for Arabic language (ACA) has designed an online Arabic language program to accommodate students who would like to study from the comfort of their own home and/or are not able to travel abroad
Study Arabic Online consists of a team of teachers who have a long experience in teaching Arabic
al-andalus has trained male and female teachers who undergo an extensive internet teaching program that equips them with the knowledge and expertise to teach online
Al-andalus aims to constantly upgrade and improve its online teaching methods so that students can use the latest technology available on the market for learning


Classical Arabic (Foss-ha) Programs : book (Al A rabiyya Bayna Yadayk
Program Description
This program is geared towards providing our students with the necessary information and training needed to enhance rapid learning along with gradual skill building techniques in the areas of:
Verbal articulation
Reading and comprehension

* Students are given a placement test to assess their proficiency level prior to the start of class
Female students are taught by a female teacher *

Online classes are offered via Skype) www.skype.com/download and another program ).
Several ways of payment (western union,)

13- Registration :
You must complete the online registration form . We will then process your registration form and provide you with an interview date wherein we will discuss your program of study and your starting level. After agreeing on your level and completion of your course fees, we will set an agreed starting date for your study.

Fill The Form

Missing Required Fields




Gender:* Male Female



Did you study Arabic before?*

Do you wish to study something in particular?*

What the best time is for you to have your lessons?*

How many hours of lessons per week you wish to have?*

Service and polisy14
Service :

Do you organize trips?
We know that all work and no play is not the best way. We organize regular outings for families and individuals to both tourist sites and family outings.
Can you help with accommodation ?
We have a good network of landlords and can help you find a flat that is suitable for your needs.
Don't worry about arrangements from the airport! We offer a reasonably-priced collection service. We guarantee we will not over-charge you when collecting you from the airport.

Policy our
Dear ALAndalus Student :
We would like you to read the following policy information carefully :
* You must take an entrance exam upon registering for class
You must be on time for your lessons *
* If you are studying privately and are absent without informing the administration you will lose those hours
* You must pass your exam and finish all course work before going on to the next level.

15- Contact us :

Al-andalus center for Arabic Language & quran
( ACA)
Cairo branch:
Nasr city –
Mob: +20105137726

Email: alandalusegypt@gmail.com

name skype : moazashraf2

dr. abu moaz
Blog EntryAug 30, '11 7:24 AM
by Nasrin for everyone
bismillah asalamualikum warahma tullahi wabaraka tuhu dear noble sisters

I hope Allah kept you all upon the best state of health and emaan inshaaAllah. may Allah accept from us and you the righteous deeds.

The two ahadeeth below are: # 1: The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said, "The fasting is not fitting on two days, Day of Adhaa and the Day of breaking {fast} from Ramadan [i.e. Eidul Adhaa and Eidul Fitr]"  [Sahih Muslim] # 2: The companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, if they met on the day of Eid, they used to say to teach others, "may Allah accept from us and you" Shaykh Albanee said, its chain is authentic.

Now my Eid gift for you... SEE BELOW...

Firstly, advises on learning arabic, please see here: http://studyarabic.multiply.com/journal
Secondly, there are 3 teachers who are female that are good and teaches for fair prices. they are sisters and they teach sisters and the price is good and you get to learn as you please at your own time from your own home. Alhamdulillah

The best of the three is the sister whose arabic program website is: http://www.golden-arabic-pieces.net - per hour she charges is you $6.50 some dollars, that's it. She is a very qualified teacher maashaaAllah. I strongly recommend you to take advantage of her and her knowledge if you can afford it inshaaAllah.

The second best of the three is: Umm Yahya Manar, she is quite qualified but not as good as the first one in my opinion only, she charges $5 dollars per hour. She is very more flexible than the above sister. she has a facebook page for her arabic program: http://www.facebook.com/pages/manaratularab-center-learn-Arabic-Quran-online/228938097129316?sk=info [at your request i can give you her skype id and email but you have her email on this facebook page as well to contact her] 

and the Last one who is not someone who studied Arabic to teach it but she is native arab too and she has been teaching for a year after taking some teaching workshop and one of her student said she is good compared to the first teacher. Her name is Nada, and she charges only $3 dollars per hour. Please email me for her contact info.
They all speak English and they are all native arabs. So take advantage and learn Arabic to learn your religion and the Book of Allah and sunnah of the Rasul Allah sallallahu alayhe wa sallam. and Remember i only shared their info for you to learn ARABIC ONLY ONLY ONLY and nothing else, and i have no idea about any of these sisters and their manhaj and knowledge of Islam or anything else. So beware and learn only Arabic and always ask your teachers to inform you about their study and experience in teaching Arabic info. InshaaAllah. 

I hope you enjoy your Eid day and eid gift.


Visit me @ http://akthernasrin.multiply.com

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Blog EntryAug 25, '11 3:14 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
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