
links 2

Islamic Sites for Learning

LinkJul 18, '10 3:48 PM
for everyone
Link: http://www.sahab.net/home/index.php?Site=Sound&CatID=57

This is the link for the tele links that we host here in Qatar with the People of knowledge from Ahlus Sunnah. In most cases the lectures are here on Mondays
LinkJul 11, '10 5:29 PM
for everyone
Link: http://www.haythamsarhan.com/

The website for Shaykh Haytham Sarhan Al-Madanee (may Allah preserve him) straight from the Haram in Madeenah
Link: http://saif.af.org.sa/

This is the link for the Senior Scholars of Saudi Arabia Classe- 1431/ 2010. May Allah bless and preserve them all. 
Link: http://www.aloloom.net/vb/showthread.php?t=4430

The link is for audio classes in Dammaj. The classes are on going , so here is an additional link to follow as well

Link: http://www.ibnhomaid.af.org.sa/

This is the site for Shaykh Salih Homaid (may Allah preserve him). He is the President for the Supreme Council of Judiciary in Saudi Arabia.
Link: http://www.alqaoud.com

The website for Shaykh Abdullah ibn Hasan Alqaoud (may Allah have mercy on him)
Link: http://www.alshathri.net/index.cfm?do=

The official website for Shaykh Sa'd alshathir. Bookmark it! Al-Hamdulilah the people in Qatar were recently given a chance to benefit from him in person.
Link: http://alzoukory.com/index.php

This is the website for Shaykh Abdul Hameed Al-Hajooree. Many of his classes in audio format are available there to download, and his books as well
Link: http://lohaidan.af.org.sa/

The official site for Shaykh Salih Al-Lohaidan (may Allah preserve him)
Link: http://www.mufti.af.org.sa/

The web site for the Mufti in Saudi Arabia.May Allah to preserve him.
Link: http://saif30.af.org.sa/

This is the link for the senior scholars classes in 1430. May Allah preserve them ameen. Please pass the word.
LinkApr 15, '09 11:20 AM
for everyone
Link: http://www.alsonah.org/index.php

The web-site for the Muhaadith in Mecca, Muhammad Adam Al-Ethiopee (may Allah preserve him) He has published the complete 40 volume explanation for Sunnan An-Nisa'. Currently the shaykh teaches at Darul Hadeeth in Mecca.
Link: http://www.binsaadi.com/index.php

Finally the offical web-site for Abdur-Rahman As-Sa'dee , Shaykh Uthaymeen's teacher. (May Allah have mercy on them both)

Pass this along .
LinkApr 8, '09 12:08 PM
for everyone
Link: http://www.muqbl.com/index.html

This is a site set up from the students of knowledge, which holds treasures of Shaykh Muqbil. This site features audio, reading material, sermons, and other priceless jewels. May Allah rest him in Jannah - Ameen. And may Allah reward those who carried out this effort!
LinkMar 29, '09 11:51 AM
for everyone
Link: http://www.islamlight.net/almahmood/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1

The web-site for Abdur Rahman ibn Salih Al-Mahmoud
Link: http://www.alburaaie.com/

Shaykh Muqbil ( may Allah have mercy on him) nicknamed him the insightful critic.
LinkJan 31, '09 11:41 PM
for everyone
Link: http://al-badr.net/web 

The site for Shaykh Abdur Razzaq.The entire explanation for Adabul Mufrad is available there.
LinkJan 19, '09 1:48 AM
for everyone
Link: http://www.alqayim.net/index.php

The web-site for Shaykh Abu Hasan Ar-Ramla. Read his bio to learn more about him and the praise that the late Shaykh Muqbil(may Allah have mercy upon him) wrote.

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