[FREE OFFER for 6 MONTHS - apply] The Arabic Language Institute & Forum Online | by Nasrin for everyone |
شرح قطر الندى ( -1 - 116) خالد بن عبود الحضرمي (أبو بلال) | by Nasrin for everyone |
The American University in Cairo Press - al-Kitab al-asasi | by Nasrin for everyone |
Access to Qur'aanic Arabic - | by Nasrin for everyone |
Finally Huge Discount till Aug 30- Save $600.00 - Hajj 2010, Starting at $4,799.00 | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http:/ / albaseerahorg.multiply.com/ journal/ item/ 126/ _Finally_Huge_Discount_till_Aug_30-_Save_600.00_-_Hajj_2010_Starting_at_4799.00
go if you can [you will surely learn arabic there] and please kindly share and spread the news amongst others...
Notes from the classes of Sarf of Fahad Al Tahiri | by Nasrin for everyone |
Free arabic classes offered by | by Nasrin for everyone |
The Quranic Arabic Corpus - Word-by-Word Grammar, Syntax and Morphology of the Holy Quran | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http:/ / corpus.quran.com/ wordbyword.jsp
this is a GREAT RESEARCH TOOL and STUDY TOOL alhamdulillah.
please use Muhsin Khan translation for your translation of the qur'an, all other ones have errors in them.
please use Muhsin Khan translation for your translation of the qur'an, all other ones have errors in them.
Arabic Reading Sets - Reading Series - Noorart | by Nasrin for everyone |
Learn Arabic | by Nasrin for everyone |
Notes of classes of Al-Jaromiyah & Madinah Book 1 | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http:/ / arabicclassnotes2010.blogspot.com/
@ blogspot. i had to make it due to my poor eye-sigh and the poor font size of wordpress 'smile'.
1st Lesson’s notes of Madinah book 1 « Notes of Al-Jaromiyah & Madinah Book 1 | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http:/ / aljaromiyah.wordpress.com/ 2010/ 07/ 18/ 1st-lessons-notes-of-madinah-book-1/
I am going to post notes of both classes inshaaAllah. so if you want to keep up to date, you can subscribe or visit the pages.... i hope you learn as i learn and as you learn i learn too.... inshaaAllah. may Allah benefit you and me too .ameen.
Notes of Al-Jaromiyah & Madinah Book 1 - for the coming up courses | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http:/ / aljaromiyah.wordpress.com/
InshaaAllah i hope Allah grants me tawpiq to attend and share some notes with you all
ZamZam Institute for learning Arabic - Makkah | by Nasrin for everyone |
Arabic Tree - nice site with a lot of arabic learning info. | by Nasrin for everyone |
digital hamzah that teaches arabic basics.zip - good software | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http:/ / www.4shared.com/ file/ glJ7ZsgR/ digital_hamzah_that_teaches_ar.html
it is a good software to learn the reading level of ARabic... basics of Arabic learning, the letters.
Al Madinah Students' learn arabic from them - learning program.. | by Nasrin for everyone |
arabic learning resources.. http://www.almiftaah.net/ | by Nasrin for everyone |
شرح قطر الندى وبل الصدى الجزء الأول ( 20 حلقة ) الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبد الرحمن السبيهين فيديو : : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive | by Nasrin for everyone |
Link: http:/ / www.archive.org/ details/ islamgarden.63
shar qatar annada - video..by teacher of king saud uni.
Learn Arabic Online 0 arabic words.. | by Nasrin for everyone |