

Link: http://albaseerahorg.multiply.com/journal/item/126/_Finally_Huge_Discount_till_Aug_30-_Save_600.00_-_Hajj_2010_Starting_at_4799.00

go if you can [you will surely learn arabic there] and please kindly share and spread the news amongst others...
LinkAug 16, '10 7:25 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
Link: http://www.mbarabiccenter.com/

check out the site..
Link: http://corpus.quran.com/wordbyword.jsp

this is a GREAT RESEARCH TOOL and STUDY TOOL alhamdulillah.
please use Muhsin Khan translation for your translation of the qur'an, all other ones have errors in them.
LinkJul 25, '10 5:39 AM
by Nasrin for everyone
LinkJul 22, '10 10:40 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
Link: http://arabicclassnotes2010.blogspot.com/

@ blogspot. i had to make it due to my poor eye-sigh and the poor font size of wordpress 'smile'.
Link: http://aljaromiyah.wordpress.com/2010/07/18/1st-lessons-notes-of-madinah-book-1/

I am going to post notes of both classes inshaaAllah. so if you want to keep up to date, you can subscribe or visit the pages.... i hope you learn as i learn and as you learn i learn too.... inshaaAllah. may Allah benefit you and me too .ameen.
Link: http://aljaromiyah.wordpress.com/

InshaaAllah i hope Allah grants me tawpiq to attend and share some notes with you all
Link: http://www.4shared.com/file/glJ7ZsgR/digital_hamzah_that_teaches_ar.html

it is a good software to learn the reading level of ARabic... basics of Arabic learning, the letters.
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