
Get the FREE BOOK: 'Both These Lights Emanate From the Same Niche'

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From: Admin for DrVaniya.com 
Date: Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 6:44 AM
Subject: 'Both These Lights Emanate From the Same Niche'
To: "Admin for DrVaniya.com"

Assalaamu "alaikum Brothers & Sisters,

We recently launched the Shaykh's Hadiith book at the website, named:

'Both These Lights Emanate From the Same Niche'

 Hadiith of Umm Salamah (radiyAllaahu "anhaa) with Lexical & Grammatical Notes'.

We are now offering a free copy of the book to members on the mailing list.

Due to certain issues that arise related to distribution such as shipping delays, delays in the receipt of funds etc, books are not shipped to U.K. for distribution until weeks later.

So if you would like a free copy, we will reserve a copy for you. Actual shipment of the book to you, will occur later, in shaa Allaah.

Here is a description of the book from Book Fair:

Both These Lights Emanate From the Same Niche:

This is the Hadiith of Umm Salamah (radiyAllaahu “anhaa) who narrates the crucial event of the emigration of the early Muslims from Makkah to Abyssinia to escape the persecution of the Makkans. The narration contains the powerful address of Ja”far ibn ‘Abii Taalib (radiyaAllaahu “anhu) who stands before the king, presents the case for asylum in the land, and explains the beautiful Islaamic code of life. At the king’s request, Ja”far (radiyaAllaahu “anhu) recites the sacred chapter of suurah Maryam. Read how the king reacts, learn of the events that unfold, and bring to life this key event in Islaamic history through the Shaykh’s lexical and grammatical notes.

Complete translation of the Hadiith is placed facing the Arabic text; copious explanatory notes; additional notes; diverse exercises; comprehensive index and high quality print.

Extracts from the book are placed here:



New Curriculum for 2 year Arabic program

AlMisbah Institute's Two Year Arabic Certificate Course

Have you ever wanted to study Arabic but didn’t know how to achieve your goal? Going overseas was never an option and you’re too busy with responsibilities to take time off from school or work? Now you will be able to study Classical Arabic from the comfort of your office or home.

AlMisbah Institute aims to teach Classical Arabic through the Quran, Hadith, and classical works from the illustrious Scholars of the past. AlMisbah's unique curriculum aims to take you from a novice in Arabic to putting you well on your way to becoming a student of knowledge. Don't miss out on another Ramadan, wishing you could understand the words of Allah swt.

A word for word testimonial:

"The unique thing about this course when teaching the grammatical concepts he relates them to numerous quranic ayaat which makes learning more practical as opposed to many books which are present in the bookstores nowadays which are filled with useless vocabulary which may have nothing to do with quranic arabic which might not be used in the quran this course method in my view is good for those who want to learning the language of the quran in very practical way which isnt easy to find in books or cd/dvd sets nowadays"

-Brother from UK

Instructor: Shaykh Mateen Ahmed, bio can be found at http://www.almisbaah.org/about/


1st Semester

Intro to Quranic Arabic and Fundamentals of Arabic Grammar

Laying the foundations of Arabic grammar and morphology, 500+ Examples from Quran, 40+ Hadeeth from Za'ad ut talibeen

2nd Semester
Nahuw: Ilmun Nahuw Part 1
Sarf: Treasures from Arabic Morphology Part 1
Adab: Qassasun nabiyeen Volume 1
Hadeeth: 40 Hadeeth part 1 by Dr. Abdurahim (20 hadeeth)

3rd Semester
Nahuw: Ilmun-Nahuw Part 2
Sarf: Treasures from Arabic Morphology Part 2
Adab: Qassas Volume 2
Quran/Hadeeth: 40 hadeeth Part 2 by Dr. V. Abdurahim (20 hadeeth)

4th Semester
Nahuw: Iqna ud-Dameer by Sh. Abdul Wahid Makki (in Arabic)
Sarf: Treasures from Arabic Morphology Part 3
Adab: Qassas Volume 3 and 4

5th Semester
Nahuw: Hidayatun Nahuw Part 1
Sarf: Treasures from Arabic Morphology Part 4
Adab: Seeratun Nabi part 1 (without i'raab)
Quran: Tafseer of Surah Hujraat

6th Semester
Nahuw: Hidayatun Nahuw Part 2
Sarf: Treasures from Arabic Morphology Part 5
Adab: Seeratun Nabi part 2
Quran: Tafseer of Surah Yusuf

7th Semester
Nahuw: Mumtiul Ajrumiyyah Part 1
Sarf: Treasures from Arabic Morphology Part 6
Adab: Seeratun Nabi part 3

8th semester
Nahuw: Mumtiul Ajrumiyyah Part 2
Sarf: Treasures from Arabic Morphology Part 7
Adab: Seeratun Nabi part 4

Class Timings and Semester Schedule:

4 hours a week, all times are in Eastern Standard Time (EST, New York Time)

Saturday, Sunday 9:30-10:30 AM (EST)

Tuesday, Thursday 1:30-2:30 PM (EST)

Semester 1: September 1 - November 15, 2012

Semester 2: December 1 - Feburary 14, 2013

Semester 3: March 2 - May 16, 2013

Semester 4: May 18 - July 11, 2013

Ramadan Break for 2013

Semester 5: August 17 - October 31, 2013

Semester 6: November 16 - January 30th, 2014

Semester 7: Feburary 15 - April 3, 2014

Semester 8: April 19 - June 12, 2014

*Major US and Islamic holidays will also be given off.


Tuition is $800 for the entire 2 year program or payments of $140 per semester. Over 320 hours of study for almost $2 an hour!

*Nobody will be turned away due to lack of funds..

Register online @ http://www.almisbaah.org/programsand...-registration/

*Last day to register is Friday, August 24th.

Email almisbahinstitute@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Sample Lessons can be watched at this link: http://almisbah.wiziq.com/online-cla...c-arabic-lesso

Please be sure to let your friends and family know about this unique course and continue to check almisbah.org or the facebook page for more updates.

JazakAllahu Khairan,

Almisbah Admin

Like us on http://www.facebook.com/AlMisbaahInstitute
Blog EntryJun 29, '12 10:00 AM
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Arabic Learning: Books, Audios, Videos And more...


Madina Books




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Blog EntryJun 7, '12 4:25 PM
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As salaamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. I found a FREE download of the curriculum used here in KSA from the Ministry of Education via iTunes.


If you cannot download it, I will continue to share what I have via the blog, In Shaa Allaah.

Baarakallaahu feekum

Book Fair

Embark on the study of this classical text with the deeply moving and arduous journey in search of truth by the noble companion Salmaan al-Faarisi (raDiya Allaahu “anhu). Join the travels, learn the many lessons in strength, love of Allaah and sacrifice for His sake, and feel the story come to life through the Shaykh’s extensive lexical and grammatical notes. Acquaint yourself with the story, enjoy the extracts, unfold the map of travels, then head to purchase:

Note: This book is recommended by the Shaykh as one of the first books to study after graduating from the Madinah Arabic Course:

‘Abshir Bi-Khayri Yawmin is the heart-rending story of the repentance of Ka”ab bin Maalik radiya Allaahu “anhu who remained behind from the Battle of Tabuuk in 9 AH. The Shaykh explains each segment of theHadiith with copious lexical and grammatical notes. The many points of benefit and lessons learnt from the Hadiith are summarised by the Shaykh from the works of the great Imaams Ibn Hajr al-“Asqalaaniyy and Imaam an-Nawawiyy, rahimahuma Allaahu. Extensive exercises test grammar, comprehension and language skills. An exhaustive index of all the lexical and grammatical elements discussed, is provided. Beautiful design, parchment-look on each page.

Published by Daar al-Ma’aathir, Madinah Munawwarah, K.S.A. This book is now distributed from U.K. If you want a copy, contact Admin.

Fii Balaat Hiraql is the astonishing dialogue that took place between Heraclius, the King of Byzantine, and Abu Sufyaan radiya Allaahu “anhuwho was questioned scrupulously by Heraclius to ascertain the Prophethood of Allaah’s Messenger Muhammad salla Allaahu “alayhi wasallam. The Shaykh explains each segment of the Hadiith with copious lexical and grammatical notes. Points of benefit and lessons learnt from theHadiith are cited by the Shaykh from the works of the great Imaam an-Nawawiyy, rahimahu Allaahu. Extensive exercises test grammar, comprehension and language skills. Beautiful design, high quality print.

Published by Daar al-Ma’aathir, Madinah Munawwarah, K.S.A. This book is now distributed from U.K. If you want a copy, contact admin.

This is our Shaykh’s Arabic Language Course for children in 2 Volumes. Lexical and Grammatical elements are taught through bright colours and vibrant illustrations, generously interspersed with creative exercises and colouring activities. Aquaint yourself with the course in the words of the publisher, enjoy the samples then proceed to order on-line:

This is the children and youngster’s version of our Shaykh’s renowned Madinah Arabic Course which is taught at the world-renowned Islaamic University, Madinah. Lexical and grammatical elements are taught through bright colours and vibrant, fun-filled artwork & illustrations. Copious, creative exercises test and build all areas of the young learner’s grammar, language skills and comprehension. Aquaint yourself with the course, read the inspiring story behind the creation ofMadinah Arabic Reader, enjoy the samples then proceed to purchase:

More content to be added to Book Fair, in shaa’ Allaah.

Relax in our Library and enjoy the Shaykh’s free books and courses.
See A Short Guide to an Ocean of Knowledge for descriptions of content of all the books & courses.


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