Arabic Picture Dictionary | by Nasrin for everyone |
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FREE GIVE AWAY: Madinah Books lessons in URDU | by Nasrin for everyone |
FREE GIVE AWAY: Madinah Books lessons in URDU | for everyone |
NICE copies - Medinah side books level 3 | by Nasrin for everyone |
Click on the images to visit. These files are nicely formatted.alhamdulillah.
Dawd Center Vocabulary Builder System! | by Nasrin for everyone |
Madinah Side Books [2 Different Versions] Level 1, 2, & 3 | by Nasrin for everyone |
Please Click on the Images to visit the Links as well.
News from the website: Free Book Offer | by Nasrin for everyone |
News from the website: Free Book Offer | for everyone |
Dear brothers and sisters,
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهWe have some exciting news from the website of the respected Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim:
We are offering (a limited number of) Free copies of our Shaykh's outstanding course-book that teaches Qur'aanic Arabic through the sacred text of Suurah Yuusuf. The book is named:
المسعِفُ في لغةِ وإعرابِ سورة يوسفَ
(Lexical & Grammatical Exposition of Suurah Yuusuf ["alayhis-salaam]).
It is an exceptional work maa shaa Allaah, with a wealth of classical Arabic vocabulary, wealth of lexical & grammatical notes, wealth of Qur'aanic aayaat cited from other suurahs, wealth of citations from Ibn Maalik's famous "Al-Alfiyyah" ( a classical Arabic text teaching the fundamentals of Arabic grammar through couplets), wealth of exercises to test grammar, Sarf, and language skills, etc, wa l-Hamdu lillaah.
It is recommended for advanced students of Arabic (e.g. if you have completed the Madinah course or have attained proficiency in Arabic equivalent to it), for teachers, Arabic institutions, colleges and universities for forming part of their Arabic language curriculum.
Please refer here for the extracts:
(Admin. is contactable via this email.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهWe have some exciting news from the website of the respected Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim:
We are offering (a limited number of) Free copies of our Shaykh's outstanding course-book that teaches Qur'aanic Arabic through the sacred text of Suurah Yuusuf. The book is named:
المسعِفُ في لغةِ وإعرابِ سورة يوسفَ
(Lexical & Grammatical Exposition of Suurah Yuusuf ["alayhis-salaam]).
It is an exceptional work maa shaa Allaah, with a wealth of classical Arabic vocabulary, wealth of lexical & grammatical notes, wealth of Qur'aanic aayaat cited from other suurahs, wealth of citations from Ibn Maalik's famous "Al-Alfiyyah" ( a classical Arabic text teaching the fundamentals of Arabic grammar through couplets), wealth of exercises to test grammar, Sarf, and language skills, etc, wa l-Hamdu lillaah.
It is recommended for advanced students of Arabic (e.g. if you have completed the Madinah course or have attained proficiency in Arabic equivalent to it), for teachers, Arabic institutions, colleges and universities for forming part of their Arabic language curriculum.
Please refer here for the extracts:
(Admin. is contactable via this email.
We hope you are enjoying the Arabic lessons, Q & As and other materials on the Shaykh's site and wish you success on your journey to mastering Arabic.
administrator of Shaykh's website
Special Announcement: Resource Teaching Madinah Arabic Course | by Nasrin for everyone |
Special Announcement: Resource Teaching Madinah Arabic Course | for everyone |
Assalaamu alaikum brothers and sisters,
Administrator for
We are writing a special email to registered members at the Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim's website, in order to convey some wonderful news for all students, teachers, parents, institutes of Arabic etc,:
Now available at the website of the Institute of Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language, Islaamic University of Madinah, are the 3 Madinah Arabic Books, in a new fully-interactive format which enhances the enjoyment of learning and accelerates the rate at which material is understood and recalled.
The site presents audio files and written lessons of the entire Madinah Arabic Course (3 Volumes), along with audios and text of the entire 2-year Arabic Language and Islaamic Studies curriculum which is authored and compiled by our respected Shaykh, and comprise various lessons in Qur'aan, Hadiith, Fiqh, Siirah, Stories of the Prophets, etc.
The special feature for non-natives is that all lessons and audios are available in Arabic, along with the translation in the language you wish to have translated.
For example, an English-speaker has the translation provided (in writing) on the screen as they listen to each word and sentence from the text, dialogues, exercises, vocabulary etc from any one lesson.
One has the option to close the translation facility if one is fluent in Arabic.
The benefit of providing a written on-line translation and not a vocal one alongside the vocalised Arabic, is to enhance listening fluency of the Arabic.
Lessons are prepared with colours, carefully-coded to teach the lexical and grammatical elements .
There are many foreign languages at this site which the Madinah Books and 2-year syllabus can be viewed in, and studied.
This is a tremendous facilitation for non-native speakers of Arabic worldwide.
Important Note: The audios and site material work best when the site is viewed through Internet Explorer (7). The site does not fully operate through some other Internet Browsers (like Mozilla Firefox) so please view the site via Internet Explorer (7).
Here is the link:
(If you are using a web browser other than Internet Explorer, please switch to Internet Explorer at this point to have full access to material).
We hope all students, teachers, parents, institutions etc benefit greatly from this rich, interactive Arabic teaching resource which paves the way for non-natives to master Arabic, in shaa Allaah.
If you are doing the 3 Madinah Books, the above site should be your primary on-line resource to help teach you.
Please share news of the site.
Administrator for
Help Yourself with this Product in Learning ARabic | by Nasrin for everyone |
Help Yourself with this Product in Learning ARabic | for everyone |
Books 50. Pages 8.12.16. ارنوب العجيب & Books 3. Pages 17. مكارم الاخلاق | by Nasrin for everyone |
Two sets of Books for you here:
Books 50. Pages 8.12.16. ارنوب العجيب
& Books 3. Pages 17. مكارم الاخلاق
Books 50. Pages 8.12.16. ارنوب العجيب
& Books 3. Pages 17. مكارم الاخلاق
Golden Arabic Pieces Arabic online Study Courses for Women | by Nasrin for everyone |
Assalamu alaikum;
Dear sisters,
Golden Arabic Pieces Arabic online Study Courses for Women is proud to inform you of our upcoming semester for Arabic classes. We will begin Sunday,January 8Th 2012
Golden Arabic Pieces Arabic online Study Courses for Women is proud to inform you of our upcoming semester for Arabic classes. We will begin Sunday,January 8Th 2012
Beginners class | Sunday - Wednesday | 9 - 11 (PM) EST |
Beginners class | Sunday - Wednesday | 9 - 11 (PM) EST |
Class Schedule for women
1-Beginners class:Sunday - Wednesday 9 - 11 (PM) EST
2-Intermediate Level:Monday - Thursday 9 - 11 (PM) EST
3-Level one:Sunday - Wednesday 7 - 9 (AM) EST
Class Schedule for children
1-Beginners class:Saturday - Tuesday 6 - 7 PM (EST)
2-Advanced class:Saturday - Tuesday 5 - 6 PM (EST)
Beginners class | Sunday - Wednesday | 9 - 11 (PM) EST |
Please share this email and link with all sisters looking to learn this beautiful language.
Please feel free to ask, demand and inquire about all your concerns.
Your feedback on our services is appreciated.
Thanks and Regards,
GAP team,
sisters only free monthly class | by Nasrin for everyone |
As-slaam alaikum:
Dear sisters;
This is a sisters only free monthly class aiming to get you familiar with the stories in Quraan.
The class is based on Tafseer Ebn Katheer the Arabic book.
The class repeats on 1st Sunday of every month.
To join click:
Dear sisters;
This is a sisters only free monthly class aiming to get you familiar with the stories in Quraan.
The class is based on Tafseer Ebn Katheer the Arabic book.
The class repeats on 1st Sunday of every month.
To join click:
The Paved Way to Professional Arabic: Link | by Nasrin for everyone |
The Paved Way to Professional Arabic: Link
quick reference to Arabic grammer rules | by Nasrin for everyone |
quick reference to Arabic grammer rules | for everyone |
assalam aleikum,
I found this to be very resourceful ->
They also have duroos audio/text of Arabic class levels(from Syria): here
فهرس كتاب نحو إتقان الكتابة باللغة العربية
----- build proficiency in Arabic : here-
I found this to be very resourceful ->
They also have duroos audio/text of Arabic class levels(from Syria): here
فهرس كتاب نحو إتقان الكتابة باللغة العربية
----- build proficiency in Arabic : here-
tasrif_al-3azi_dar_minhaj.pdf | by Nasrin for everyone | | for everyone |
pdf version of al-Taftazani's Sharh on Tasrif al-'Izzi.
and also Arabic lesson
here's also an interesting video lessons
and also Arabic lesson
here's also an interesting video lessons
2 Zip file having: all books of Palestinian_School & 1st_Year_of_School | by Nasrin for everyone |
Explanation of al-Ajroomiyah [Audio] by Shaykh Muhammad Bin ‘Ali al-Ethopi is one senior scholars in Mecca | by Nasrin for everyone |
Explanation of al-Ajroomiyah [Audio] by Shaykh Muhammad Bin ‘Ali al-Ethopi is one senior scholars in Mecca
مكتبة الإمام الآجري – رحمه الله – تقدم لكم
شرح متن الآجرومية للشيخ محمد بن علي آدم الإثيوبي الولوي ـ حفظه الله ـ
ترجمة للشيخ الشارح – حفظه الله- : من هنا
ـ وصف المتن:” متن الآجرومية ” لأبي عبد الله محمد بن محمد بن داود الصنهاجي المعروف بـ” ابن آجروم ” المتوفي سنة (723هـ) – رحمه الله تعالى – وهو متن مشهور مبارك.
حيث يبين الكتاب أنواع الكلام وإعرابه. وقد عرض كل ذلك بإيجاز دون أن يكون ذلك على حساب الإيضاح. فبين في باب الإعراب باب معرفة علامات الإعراب ثم عقد فصلاً في المعربات ثم أتبع ذلك بباب الأفعال، حيث بين أنواعها وأحوالها وإعراب كل حالة وانتقل إلى باب مرفوعات الأسماء ومن ثم باب الفاعل وباب المفعول وبعدها تناول باباً آخر في المبتدأ والخبر والعوامل الداخلة عليه، ومن ثم تحدث في أبواب لاحقة عن النعت والعطف والتوكيد والبدل والمتعديات من الأسماء والمفعول به والمصدر وظرف المكان والزمان، والحال والتمييز والاستثناء والمنادى والمفعول من أجله والمفعول من معه ثم اختتم المتن بالمخفوضات من الأسماء.
ـ وصف المتن:” متن الآجرومية ” لأبي عبد الله محمد بن محمد بن داود الصنهاجي المعروف بـ” ابن آجروم ” المتوفي سنة (723هـ) – رحمه الله تعالى – وهو متن مشهور مبارك.
حيث يبين الكتاب أنواع الكلام وإعرابه. وقد عرض كل ذلك بإيجاز دون أن يكون ذلك على حساب الإيضاح. فبين في باب الإعراب باب معرفة علامات الإعراب ثم عقد فصلاً في المعربات ثم أتبع ذلك بباب الأفعال، حيث بين أنواعها وأحوالها وإعراب كل حالة وانتقل إلى باب مرفوعات الأسماء ومن ثم باب الفاعل وباب المفعول وبعدها تناول باباً آخر في المبتدأ والخبر والعوامل الداخلة عليه، ومن ثم تحدث في أبواب لاحقة عن النعت والعطف والتوكيد والبدل والمتعديات من الأسماء والمفعول به والمصدر وظرف المكان والزمان، والحال والتمييز والاستثناء والمنادى والمفعول من أجله والمفعول من معه ثم اختتم المتن بالمخفوضات من الأسماء.
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Spring Term Announcement | by Nasrin for everyone |
From: "Mu'aawiyah Tucker" <>
Date: 12 December 2011 01:14:36 GMT
Subject: Spring Term Announcement
Spring Term Announcement
Below is a list of our latest activities. Please follow the link found at the end of each announcement to find out more.
SummarySpring Term Madrasah
A New Term With A New System
Term: 2nd Jan - 1st Apr 2012
Booking & registration can be done online
During this term we will have our usual three classes,
Alif Class: Mon, Wed, Fri ~ 16:00-17:30 (£120)
Baa Class: Tue, Thur ~ 16:00-17:30 (£80)
Jeem Class: Sat, Sun ~ 10:00-12:00 (£180)
In the spring term we will be rolling out a new system where each parent will be able to monitor their children's progress online via our website. They will be able to view what soorahs they have read so far, how far their child has memorised the Qur'aan, the quality of their memorisation and will be able to see their term attendance.
In order to enrol your child online to our Madrasah, please click on the link below, alternatively, give us a call or visit our centre.
linksKids Islamic Studies school
Basic Islamic studies
Date: 7 Jan - 31 Mar & 21 Apr - 14 Jul
Fee: £150 per term
This new term will debut our new Islamic Course, aimed at teaching the youth Islamic studies, from basic tenants of Islamic belief, to how a Muslim should behave with other people. We will educate the students on what it means to be a Muslim, and how to represent Islam in the best way. It will encourage our youth to invite their friends and family to Islam, and put them on the road to success in this life and the next.
Follow the link to find more course details and booking information.
linksAdult Arabic Courses
Spring Term Line Up
We have arranged our selection of classes starting in the new year. We have lessons starting from the very basics of learning how to read Arabic, recognising the letters and reading with tajweed to advanced Arabic studies and completing Book 3 of the Madeenah Series.
If you have ever wished you could understand the Qur'aan, then now is your time to prepare for the coming Ramadhaan and Taraaweeh.
If you have any suggestions for classes at times more convenient for you, please let us know via our online 'lesson request form' found on the following link.
linksIT & Computing for Kids
Basic Web Design & Programming
Date: 4th Jan to 28th Mar
Fees: £150
We have arranged classes aimed at teaching children the basic about the computer, web design and programming. Our aim is to give the students skills that will better equips them for the future and help them develop their logical thought processes.
We will cover the history of computing, web design and programming. Each child will be tasked to develop their own web pages, populate it with their own ideas and content potentially win a prize for the best design and implementation.
With the fast progression of technology, every step a child takes to adapt to this every changing world and contribute positively to this every expanding global community would be a requirement more than a necessity.
To find out more about the course curriculum and how to enrol your child, please click the following link.
linksUmrah with Arabic Courses
an Umrah like none other
Dates: 1st Apr - 14th Apr (In Shaa Allaah)
Fees: TBC
Based upon the success of our Ramadhaan Umrah experience 2011, we will be organising another Umrah journey next year, 2012. Our dates are (In Shaa Allaah) 1st Apr - 14th Apr (easter holiday two week break) and another one during Ramadhaan. If you would like to join us for an experience you will never forget, please give us a call.
We also made a video blog of our last Umrah experience and will be uploading that to our YouTube channel soon, In Shaa Allaah, so stay tuned for more information about that.
linksAll our courses, events and projects can be found on our website:
www.Arabic-Courses.comAll bookings can be made both on our website where we have full PayPal intergration, and at our Centre at:
222 High Road
London, E11 3HU
Tel: 0208 519 0502We emphasis the heighest level of quality in the services, with small class sizes, customer support forums, our unique Shuffle Up program, and much more.To unsubscribe, email back "Unsubscribe".
If this email does not show up properly, please visit this link.
Books 15. Pages 16. صحابة الرسول # ١.zip | by Nasrin for everyone |
Books 15. Pages 16. صحابة الرسول # ١.zip December 9, 2011
Posted by thuriayaa in Books 15. Pages 16. صحابة الرسول # ١.zip.Tags: Books 15. Pages 16. صحابة الرسول # ١.zip
trackback ,
PDFs’ of these 15 books have been uploaded @
Zip file is found here, all books in one file:
I hope you all find these files very beneficial inshaaAllah.
Books 55. Pages 16. قصص الانبياء.zip | by Nasrin for everyone |
Books 55. Pages 16. قصص الانبياء.zip December 9, 2011
Posted by thuriayaa in Books 55. Pages 16. قصص الانبياء.zip.
Tags: Books 55. Pages 16. قصص الانبياء.zip
Tags: Books 55. Pages 16. قصص الانبياء.zip
PDFs’ of these 55 books have been uploaded @ - one book is missing as it was not on the site. I covered up funny images, it was not nice to see many. Alhamdulillah.
Zip file is found here, all books in one file:
I hope you all find these files very beneficial inshaaAllah.
I have longed to find PDF of these, today I have finished making them, alhamdulillah. Now next coming seerah of Our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhe wa sallam and many more inshaaAllah.
Today's upload: 15 stories of Sahabah | by Nasrin for everyone |
Please visit to find PDF here:
I pick the ones i like in terms of layout and images etc. if there is a set you want as pdf let me know.