
Wasted Salah - Must Put effort to find the direction of the Qiblah

Facing The Ka'bah
When the Messenger of Allaah sallallahu alayhe wa sallam stood for prayer, he would face the Ka'bah in both obligatory and voluntary prayers, and he sallallahu alayhe wa sallam ordered that, saying to the "one who prayed badly": “When you stand for prayer, perform ablution prefectly, then face the qiblah and say takbeer.”

Footnote # 1:

This is what the Shaykh has mentioned: That the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhe wa sallam used to face the Qiblah, meaning the direction of the Ka'bah, and that is in his sallallahu alayhe wa sallam prayers in Madeenah, but as for his sallallahu alayhe wa sallam prayers in Makkah, he used to face the Ka'bah itself. (As a result) the scholarsmay Allah have mercy upon them say: It is compulsory on the Muslim to face the Ka'bah itself if he sees it. But if he does not see it, it is sufficient for him to face the direction of the Ka’bah; because of the saying of his (the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhe wa sallam), "what lies between the East and the West is the Qiblah.”

Ibn Abdil Barr mentioned in Attamheed (17/45): “There is a consensus of the scholars that the Qiblah, which Allah commanded His Prophet and His servants to face in their prayer is the sacred house (Ka’bah) in Makkah and it is compulsory on everyone that sees it or around it to face it, and if he refuses to face it while seeing it or knowing its direction, then his prayer is invalid and it is upon him to repeat all those prayers.

They (the scholars) also agreed that whoever prays without facing the Qiblah and without making the effort to find its direction then his prayer has no reward and it upon him to repeat them (those prayers) facing the Qiblah, just like if he prays without tahaarah (wudhu – ablution).

And in this is the ruling for the one who prays in a Masjid while it is possible for him to seek the Qiblah through the mihraab (niche in the mosque wall that is directed to Mecca) or something similar to it but he did not do so and prayed facing a direction other than it (the Ka’bah). They (the scholars) also agreed that whoever is away from the Ka'bah, he must face its direction, the side of its location and face it, and it is upon him to whom its direction is hidden to find it by all means available to him from the stars, mountains, wind and other than these from what is possible to aid him in finding its direction.”

Source: Explanation of “Prophet’s Prayer Described,” by Shaykh Muhammad Bazmool, Page 122.
Translated by Abu Humairah
Slight editing by Nasrin As.Salafiyah

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