This lesson is on Syrian Arabic and the clip is from the show يوميات مدير عام (Dailies of the General Manager) on MTV Lebanon. The phrase is "It's out of my hands", الشغلة مو بإيدي. There are other things to learn from this clip though. I learned the phrase فالج و لا تعالج , which basically means "the situation is hopeless".
- اليوم ما بقدر. إمبارح كنت بقدر. استوعبت ولا ضل عدلك ياها؟
Today I can't. Yesterday I could have. You get it? Or should I keep repeating it for you?
استوعب - "to absorb or ingest", but it is also often used to mean "to understand or comprehend"
ولا - or
ضل - keep, continue (also spelled ظل)
عد - repeat
لك - for you
ياها - it
- يعني ما رح تاخذ مني طلب المسابقة؟
So you won't take the competition request from me?
يعني means "it means", but it's really just a filler most of the time and can be translated in various ways. Here I chose "so".
رح - indicates future tense
تاخذ - take
مني - from me
طلب - request
المسابقة - competition
- و شلون بدي سجله اذا المهلة خلصت؟ لك و بعدين وين كنت لهلق؟ كنت نايم؟
سجل - to record something, to write something down
مهلة - time limit, extension
لك - this word is used to get someone's attention. It's like "hey you". Often it is rude.
بعدين - means "after", but here it's like "anyway"
وين كنت لهلق - where were you til now
- ايه ما لحقت جهز الاوراق المطلوبة الا اليوم
I didn't have time to ready the required papers until today.
ايه - means yes, but he doesn't mean it here. He doesn't mean "yes I was sleeping". You know how sometimes you just say "yeah" and it has no meaning? That's what this is. It means nothing here.
ما لحقت - this is a very important phrase. I hear it used all the time in Syrian shows. It means "I didn't have time" or "I didn't get a chance to".
- حلو. و شو ذنبي انا؟
Great. And how is that my fault?
شو ذنبي انا - literally "what is my fault".
- دبّرها استاذ. الله يخليلك اولادك
Work it out, mister. May God keep your children.
دبّر - the best translation I could think of is "work is out". There's also the common phrase دبّر حالك which is like "take care of it yourself", "work it out yourself", "do it on your own", "help yourself". You get the idea.
الله يخليلك اولادك - this is said in a begging way here
- لك لسا بيقلي دبّرها. شلون بدي دبّرها اه؟ هلق انت بتقدر ترجّع عقارب الساعة لوراء؟
And he's still telling me to work it out. How am I supposed to work it out, eh? Now can you turn back the hands of the clock?
لسا - still
عقارب الساعة - the hands of the clock (also عقارب means scorpions)
لوراء - back
- دبّرها. ابوس ايدك. صارلي سنة عم بستنى هالفرصة
Work it out. I kiss your hand. I've been waiting for this opportunity for a year.
ابوس ايدك - I kiss your hand. This is used when begging.
صارلي سنة - literally "it's been a year for me"
بستنى - I wait
فرصة - opportunity
- لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم. اخي هلق انت ليش ما عم تفهم عليّ؟ الشغلة مو بإيدي
There is no strength or power but in the high and mighty God. Brother, now why aren't you understanding me? It's out of my hands.
لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم - This is usually said when you are exasperated or at your wits end. I did a video explaining it.
الشغلة مو بإيدي - literally "the thing is not by my hand"
- يعني فالج و لا تعالج
So it's not going to happen?
فالج - hemiplegia, which is when one side of your body is paralyzed. The phrase is basically saying that the situation is like this disease and can't be treated. The situation is hopeless and isn't going to be solved.
تعالج - to be treated (as in a disease)
- للاسف ايه نعم
Unfortunately, yes.