MOve to NExt SteP of seeking knowledge
Question 148: Some of the brothers listen to some audiocassettes, like the audiocassettes of Shaykh Rabee’ on Aqeedah and Fiqh?
Answer 148: This is something good, but I ask you, why don’t you tell yourselves that I am higher than this level? That one of you should start with memorizing of the Qur’an, then after that he should learn something from the Arabic language, I am not saying that you should learn (Arabic) until you become an expert, and after that you should learn something from the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhe wa sallam and you should take your deen from the Kitaab (Al-Quraan) and the Sunnah even if memorizing the Qur’an only.
The Questioner said: The audiocassettes are means…
The Shaykh said: I do not prohibit anything on the people rather I am guiding them to what is higher.
Source: “Last Journey of Imam Muqbil Ibn Hadee Al-Wadee” By His wife, Shaykhah Umm Salamah As.Salafiyah
Translated by brother Abu Humairah
Slight editing by Nasrin As.Salafiyah
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