
Get a baby boy or a baby girl

Feb 9, '12 9:05 PM
for everyone

Question 56: In the hadeeth where the jews came to the Prophet (sallallagu alaihi wa sallam) to confirm if he was truly a  prophet and they  asked him;  “when is the fetus male and when is it female? And He (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said to them : if the fluid of the man overpowers that of the woman then it will be male and if the fluid of the woman overpowers that of the man then it will be  female.” What is the authenticity of this hadeeth?

Answer: This (hadeeth)  is sahih, and there is another hadeeth in Sahih Muslim “if the fluid of male comes first, it will be male by Allah’s permission, and if the fluid of the female comes first, it will be female by Allah’s permission.  And this (hadeeth) is in Sahih Muslim.

Answered by Shaykh Muqbil
From the book: The Last Journey of Shaykh Muqbil by Shaykhah Umm Salamah
Translated by Brother Abu Humairah

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