The Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said, "The people will remain upon good so long they hasten to break the fast (i.e. as soon as its time starts)." [Agreed up - Sahih Al-Bukhari & Sahih Muslim)
REJECTED Hadith, it is not authentically reported from the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam: "The first part of Ramadan is Mercy, the middle part of it is Forgiveness, and the last part of it is freeing from the Hellfire." Shaykh Albanee said: Rejected Hadith.
Abi Hurayrah Radi Allahu anhu said, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said, "Perhaps a fasting person, his attainment from his fasting is just the hunger and the thirst , and perhaps a person doing the night salah (taraweeh), his attainment from his standing is just the staying up the night." Imam Ahmed Reported it, and Shaykh Muqbil said: this hadith is good (Hasan).