
It is not allowed to take anything from the Masjid

Question: is it allowed for the person to take a Mushaf (a copy of the Quraan) from the masjid for himself or substitute a Mushaf for him? 

Answer: He is not allowed to do that, it is not allowed for him to take anything from the masjid, not for himself nor he is allowed to change it (changing the mushaf he has with a mushaf from the masjid), rather it is obligatory to leave what is in the masjid for the masjid for the Muslims. 

Answered by: Shaykh Abdul Azeez ibn Bazz
Translator: Nasrin As-salafiyah
Source: http://www.binbaz.org.sa/mat/13089

Question: Is it allowed to take any book whether Quraan, or any other book while it was written on it "endowment", is it alright to take it from the masjid? 

Answer: It is not allowed to take it from the masjid, but leave it in the masjid so whoever in the masjid from the readers can benefit from it, they read it and benefit from it; because the giver who gave it in the masjid or in the library of the masjid intended to benefit people by it. So, do not take the Mushaf (a copy of the Quraan) that is in the masjid nor the book that is in the masjid, leave it for the readers in the masjid or in the library that is in the masjid. 

Answered by: Shaykh Abdul Azeez ibn Bazz
Translator: Nasrin As-salafiyah
Source: http://www.binbaz.org.sa/mat/13072

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