We had the Rocket Arabic giveaway a few weeks back and I think it went well as the first giveaway I've done on the site. There were 40 entries and the winner was very happy with her prize. Now Arabic Pod 101 contacted me about doing a giveaway! This time 2 prizes will be awarded. The first prize is a 1 month premium subscription (I seriously just typed subscribtion and had to delete it. Arabic has effected my brain.) to Arabic Pod 101. This includes access to their 203+ lesson archive for which new lessons come out weekly, lesson notes + review quizzes, 2000 core words and premium tools - flashcards, word bank, and just a ton of resources in general. Second prize will be your choice of 1 item from the Arabic Pod 101 store.
On the last giveaway I had people submit a comment with their name and email address which I viewed but didn't post to the site. This time I'd like entries to be a comment with your name and email in a format like thearabicstudent (at) yahoo (dot) com, or some other format that isn't going to be immediately recognizable to a web crawler as an email address.
You'll have a week from today to enter and I'll randomly draw the 2 winners on Friday, November 11. Thanks and good luck. :)