
Sana Mousa - Your Eyesسناء موسى - عيونكOyounik

Sana Mousa is a Palestinian singer who sings mainly folk songs.

Sana Musa - Your Eyes

My bird, you'd say (maybe "you'd swear" in English to convey the meaning of extreme impeccability) that her eyes are like cups
Cups full of coffee

Your beautiful, dark eyes
Oh your eyes

My bird, you'd say that her teeth were coral (whitish coral I'm assuming)
Coral mixed with pearl

Your beautiful, dark eyes
Oh your eyes

سناء موسى - عيونك

وعيونها يا طير وتقول فنجان
فنجانة بالقهوه ممتليه
يا عيونك سود وحلوه
يا عيونك

وسنونها يا طير وتقول مرجان
مرجانة على اللولو مختليه
يا عيونك سود وحلوه
يا عيونك

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