
Makhoul Kassouf - The Doors of Happinessمخول قاصوف - بواب الفرحBwab al Farah

This is in my opinion one of the nicest songs recorded in Arabic. The artist, Makhoul Kassouf (مخول قاصوف) often is off the radar of most Arabic music listeners, however, his music has been a major contribution to the modern Lebanese music scene, and he has often collaborated with such artists as Ziad Rahbani.

"The Doors of Happiness (بواب الفرح)" was recorded at the end of the 1980s, and reflects the growing feeling of distress that by that time had become despair after more than a decade of continuous civil wars in Lebanon. It is sung by Sami Hawat (سامي حواط).

Makhoul Qassouf - The Doors of Happiness

I banged on the doors of happiness so much that the planks fell off
The echo hiding behind the threshold escaped
The children scattered
Nothing remains in the shadow of these walls
Not even ruins to say there was a country here

مخول قاصوف - بواب الفرح

من كترما دقيت ع بواب الفرح هرهروا الخشبات
فـل الصدى اللاطي ورا العتبة
فلفلوا الولاد
ما ضل بفي هالحيطان ولو خربة تقول
هون كان في بلاد

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