
a Great benefit of Istikhara

a Great benefit of IstikharaMar 19, '11 9:46 AM
for everyone

الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين: متى تيسر له الشيء بعد استخارته فليعلم أن هذا هو الخير إذا كان قد دعا ربه بصدق وإخلاص فإذا تيسر له الأمر بعد الاستخارة فليعلم أن هذا هو الخير لأنه دعا الله أن يختار له ما هو خير ييسره له فإذا تيسر فهذا علامة أن ذلك هو الخير وربما يرى الإنسان شيئا يدل على أن هذا هو الخير له وربما ييسر الله له من يشير عليه بشيء فيأخذ بمشورته فيكون هو الخير المهم أنك إذا استخرت الله بصدق وإخلاص فما يجري بعد ذلك بأي سبب من الأسباب فهو الخير لك إن شاء الله تعالى  
The Shaykh Muhammad bin Saleh Al-Uthaymeen said: When the thing becomes easy for him after his istikhara (seeking council of Allah), then he should know this is the good if he called on his Rabb with honesty and sincerity. So, if the matter becomes easy for him after the istikhara, then know this is the good because he called on Allah to choose for him what is good, He made it easy for him. if it becomes easy then this is a sign that that is the good, and perhaps the person will see a thing that points out that this is the good for him, and perhaps Allah will make easy for him someone who will direct him with a thing then he will take it by his direction, then it is the good, the important (point is) that if you made istikhara to Allah  (you sought the council of Allah)  with honesty and sincerity, whatever happens after that by any mean from the means, then it is the good for you inshaaAllah ta'ala. [Ref. sent to me via email by the owner of http://asaheeha.wordpress.com/; Translation by: Nasrin As.salafiyah]

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