
Many Arabic <-> English Dictionaries. Download or buy or use online

Arabic Dictionaries. Download or buy or use onlineDec 20, '09 2:49 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
Arabic Dictionaries.

Just to share the download links and also online use and also online buying places of these dictionaries. [two left coming up shortly as well insha-allah]

Originally Posted by Musa Millington View Post

Heins Wehr - PDF DOWNLOAD HERE - BUY HERE - Which is available by Manaf Muhammad. And this is a very good dictionary however it is problematic for the beginner to use it. Dr. Fa Abdur Raheem prefers Heins Wehr to Al Mawrid since Heins Wehr gets a student accustomed to Sarf (Morphology)

Al Mawrid - PDF DOWNLOAD HERE - BUY HERE - This is an easy dictionary. However, Heins Wehr is better since it imitates the manner in which classic Arabic-Arabic dictionaries are written. Al Mawrid is written similar to how an English-English dictionary is written. But it is still good.

Lane's Lexicon - PDF DOWN LOAD - ONLINE USE SITE - BUY CD FROM HERE Or HERE - BUY BOOK HERE - This book is the ultimate in Arabic-English dictionaries. Although the author, Edward Lane, died as a Kaafir his research in this was extremely good. He checked the libraries of Al Azhar and took from Lisaan Ul 'Arab, As Sihaah and Ta'aruj Al 'Aruus amongst many. This book reminds me of the Hadeeth: "Verily this deen will be aided by an evil man."

In terms of Arabic-Arabic dictionaries there are many but the following were what was recommended by Dr. Fa Abdur-Raheem

Mukhtaar As Sihaah - BUY HERE - This is a concise version of the six volume dictionary As Sihaah.

Al Mu'jam Al Waseet - BUY HERE - It is a dictionary that is highly recommended since it combines modern Arabic as well as classical Arabic.

As Sihaah - USE ONLINE - BUY HERE - Which is a highly recommended dictionary which consists of six volumes.

Also there are the well known ones like



Ta'araj Al 'Aruus
- BUY HERE - etc.

I read a story of how Shaikh Abdur Razzaq Al 'Afeefi told Shaikh Saalih Aal Ash Shaikh to read the whole of Lisaan-Ul-Arab (23 volumes) and the latter said it was too long. Then Shaikh Abdur Razzaq said: "You are not ready to seek knowledge..." So then Shaikh Saalih read it.

As for learning the words. Then one should try to go into the Arabic-Arabic dictionary first so that the meanings of the word would enter his mind in Arabic. However, if one cannot figure out the meaning he should look at it in the English language and go back to the Arabic afterward. In other words use the English-Arabic dictionary when needed.

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