The Aljaromiyah classes has been super fast this weekend and alhamdulillah we will be done with the book by the end of the course and also will have a final exam on the whole book InshaaAllah on the last weekend that is Sep. 4 & 5.
This weekend there was exam on Madinah Book 1. Yesterday, half of the exam was given and today last half was given. Alhamdulillah it was great. First half was about vocabularies - it was divided into 3 parts.
1st part - the words were given with vowel mark and you had to give their meaning
2nd part - words were given without vowel mark and you had to put vowel mark and give their meaning
3rd part - English words were given - you had to give arabic of them and put vowel marks.
- 2nd part of the exam is as follow - inshaaAllah -
١ - for each give 3 conditions for their use
ا - هذا - ١ - للمفرد - ٢ - للقريب - ٣ - للمذكر
ب - تلك - ١ - للمؤنث - ٢ - للبعيد - ٣ - للمفرد {للجمع}ا
ج - هذه - ١ - للمؤنث - ٢ - للقريب - ٣ - للمفرد
٢ - mention four حروف الجر -
ا - من و الى و عن و على
٣ - mention three - ظروف المكان -
ا - تحت - خلف - فوق
٤ - State true or false for each statement
١ - هل = أ means same thing - TRUE
٢ - المبتدأ و الخبر - takes kasra ending if nothing comes before them - FALSE - Answer: takes one dammah or 2 dammah
٣ - عندي و لي - are used to say "we have" for something that has intellect - FALSE - Answer: عندي لغير عاقل - used to say "we have" for something that has no intellect
و لي للعاقل - used to say "we have" for something that has intellect
and we had to translate Lesson # 10 of Madinah Book 1 for the Exam.