
Correction in Translation of The '3uchpuur and the Fire”

Correction in Translation in the file “The '3uchpuur and the Fire” – by Nasrin Ath-thalafiyah
Lesson # 11 of book 1 of Grade 3 of Palestinian School

Bismillah ir rahman ir raheem
Asalamualikum warahma tullahi wabaraka tuhu,

I am extremely sorry for the mistake that took place in the translation. It was due to how the sister who gives me lesson translated, she said she is not good at grammar so I should have paid attention while doing the translation, but I just ran fast in thinking the way she taught subhan Allah. May Allah forgive both of us.

But there is a Great Lesson to learn that is: knowing Arabic Grammar for US at least as non-Arab is paramount important, otherwise we will misunderstand the text and also mistranslate. Subhan Allah.
So here is the mistake that took place and it is between the two forms of a verb with same root letters: first verb is: هرب – it is the original verb – form I of alfa3l aththulathee, and second verb is أهرب, which is the form IV [form four] of the same verb, it is alfa3l aththulatheee majed fihi, the meaning of the verb changes with the adding of the Hamza in front of the original verb and it takes maf3ulun bihi as you see it took ه” – and also remember in 4 letters verbs the harf of mudare [أ - ي -ن - ت ] takes a Damma instead of a Fatha and the second to last letter of the verb gets a kasra, while in three letter verbs, the harf of mudare takes fatha and the 2nd to last letter could take fatha, damma, kasra.

Because of these rules now as I started to read the text, I figured what went wrong. Subhan Allah, it is not that the fire didn’t leave the forest nor the clouds of smoke but these are Fa3el [فاعلof the verb أهرب- didn’t I see dammah on the words:  لنيرانا and سحب – Subhan Allah.

So the translation should be: The flared up fire could not make him (the bird 3uthpuur) flee, nor the clouds of smoke but he started working immediately with loyalty and honesty.

And my first translation lead me to think that the second verb  بدأ – was for all so I said “they” as if verbs comes in the beginning before the doer/s – it is male/female singular but it is a misunderstanding due to first misunderstanding because the doer/s are already mentioned so if it was “they” then it should be plural. Subhan Allah. Alhamdulillah.

And I am amazed at my readers too, haven’t you noticed these errors. I love people correcting me. Please help each other get better and correct and advice each other.

And you can see how super IMPORTANT it is for us to know the Arabic Grammar rules. Alhamdulillah for the blessings of Allah.

Jazakum Allahu khayran Kathiran.
Was-salamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu


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