
Arabic Travel Show: Aishha Marra عيشها مرة

Aishha Marra (Live It Once) عيشها مرة is a new travel show on MBC hosted by an Irishman named Sean Redmond. As far as westerners speaking Arabic goes he is the best I've seen. His accent is just like a native and if you saw him dressed in Arab clothes you'd think he WAS an Arab. It's just so rare to see anyone who isn't an Arab, especially someone from the west, speaking Arabic. I was in Jordan one time at a conference and there was a man from China or Taiwan (I don't remember) who was speaking Arabic. He didn't speak it without accent, but it was really good. As soon as he started speaking you could hear the whole room gasp. I mean how often do you see someone from China speaking Arabic? Everyone applauded loudly after he was done.

Sean Redmond studied Arabic when he was in college and then moved around the Arab world teaching Arabic and English. This clip is in MSA as is most of the show, but he throws in some Saudi dialect and accent from time to time. The entire clip can be found here. If you want to see him switching between English and Arabic on a cooking show he hosts called Traditional Meals with Sean Redmond go here. I had never heard him speaking English before seeing that.


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