
Should she wash her dress after her Period/manse/postpartum bleeding...

Should she wash her dress after her Period/manse/postpartum bleeding...Feb 21, '10 7:29 PM
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Is it necessary (for) the woman with the cleaning (of herself) from the period, she changes the clothes

Question: Is the woman if she (becomes) pure from the monthly cycle, then she takes bath and changes her clothes or she doesn't change the clothes? Please benefit us in that.

Answer: The woman if she (becomes) pure from her period or her nifaas (postpartum bleeding), it is must upon her to take shower according to all of the people of the knowledge, as Allah jallah wa 'Alaa said: They ask you concerning menstruation. Say: "That is an Adha (a harmful thing for a husband to have a sexual intercourse with his wife while she is having her menses), therefore, keep away from women during menses and go not into them till they are purified (from menses and have taken a bath)." And when they have purified themselves, then go into them as Allâh has ordained for you (go into them in any manner as long as it is in their vagina). [Surah Al-Baqara: 222]

Therefore, it is must to clean (oneself up),  she shouldn't pray nor should her husband (come) near her (in order to have sexual relationship) until she takes bath. As for the clothes, if blood reached them, then wash whatever the blood touched only, and the clothes are pure, her sweat is pure, but if her clothes touched anything from the blood, then wash the place of the blood, as Ayshaa radi Allahu anha informed, they used to wash whatever the blood touched in the clothes.

In summery, the clothes of the woman, which she menstruated on or postpartum on are pure, (i.e. the clothes she had on her while she was on her period and postpartum bleeding are pure), and it doesn't hurt her, her being, (if she) sweats in them except if blood reached them, as for whatever blood reached, then wash (that place), i.e. Spot, (which) the blood touched, she washes (that place), and if she washes the whole dress, then there no problem, but it is not impure except (the place) that the blood touched only. If she washes the stain of the blood, it is enough, and if she washes the whole dress, then there is no problem.

Answered by: Shaykh Abdul Azeez ibn Baaz
Source: http://www.ibnbaz.org.sa/mat/16919
Translation by: نسرين السلفية

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