
The supplication with the completion of the Qur'an (reading) * In how many days, the Qur'an is finished (reading)

In how many days, the Qur'an is finished (reading)

"In forty days, then he said, in a month, then he said, in twenty days, then he said, in fifteen days, then he said, in ten days, then he said, seven days, (Read it in three days, whoever reads the Qur'an in less than three days, he will not understand it.)" [Sahih Abee Dawud: 126, 126, 1258].

The supplication with the completion of the Qur'an (reading)

The Shaykh may Allah have mercy on him said, there came in many narrations from as-Salaf as-Saleh, from them what Thaabet Albanaanee narrated (it), he said, Anas radi Allahu anhu used to, if he completed the Qur'an (reading in full), he would gather his son and people of his house, then he would supplicate for them. [Recorded it Addaaramee with an authentic chain]

Taken from Saheeh Adkaar.
Translation by: نسرين السلفية

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