
The ruling of laziness about some of the obligations

The ruling of laziness about some of the obligations

Question: What's the ruling one someone who singles Allah the Exalted out [with tawheed] but he is lazy upon the performance of same of the obligations?

Answer: He is deficient of the Emaan and likewise the one who does some of the sins, they (sins) decreases his emaan (as it is the ruling) with the Ahlul Sunnah wal Jama'ah. Because they say, the Emaan is the saying and the action and the belief, it increases with obedience and decreases with the sin (committing sin). From the Examples of that: Leaving of the fasts of Ramadan without excuse or some of it, so it is a great sin, it decreases the emaan and weakens it and some of the people of knowledge (apply legislation of) disbelief on him for that. However, the correct (view is) that he does not disbelief by that so long he acknowledges the obligation. But he breaks some of the days due to carelessness and laziness. And likewise, if he delayed the Zakah from its time due to carelessness or leaving of its giving out, then it is a sin and he was weak in the Emaan. Some of the people of knowledge (apply ruling) of disbelief on him because of leaving it. Accordingly if he cuts off his ties of kinship or he is being undutiful (toward) his parents, (then) this is due to the decrease in the Emaan and weakness in it. Likewise the remaining of the sins.

As for leaving of the prayer, then it negates the Emaan and it obligates the apostasy even if he did not deny its obligation according to most correct sayings of the Scholars due to the saying of the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, "The head of the matter is the Islam, and its pillar is the prayer, and its pick is the Jihad in the way of Allah," and his saying sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, "The agreement that is between us and them is the Prayer, so whoever leaves it then he has certainly disbelieved," in other ahadeeth it shows that [also].

Answered by: Shaykh Abdur Azziz Ibn Bazz
Translation by: نسرين السلفية
Source: http://www.ibnbaz.org.sa/mat/10

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