Is it for the students of knowledge to take from the charities because he is poor?
Question: Is there for the legislative student of knowledge, who does not have wealth that suffices him for his education such as the housing, the maintenance, the transportation, and he has five years of study remaining, the question: is it permissible for him to take something from the charity or it is not permissible?
Answer: If he is in need of them (charities), for the essential needs such as: clothings, or the car that he rides to go to the study, or whatever is similar to that, then it is permissible for him to take from the zakah, if he has need of it, for his clothes, or his foods or his vehicle for going to the study, and returning, then alhamdulillah, "The charities are only for the poors." [Sura At-Tawbah: 60], This is called a poor.
Answered by: Shaykh Ibn Bazz
Trnaslation by: نسرين السلفية
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» Is it for the students of knowledge to take from the charities because he is poor?