
Who is most befitting to lead salat?

Who is most befitting to lead salat?
The most befitting to be imam the one who leads the salat is the most adept in reciting the Book of Allah. [This has two aspects: one is how much he has memorized and knows its meanings, the other is how well he follows Tajweed - the rules of recitation - if they are equal in recitation, then the most learned in the Sunnah; if they are equal in that, then the oen who made Hijrah - migrated - earlier; if equal in that, then the one who is older."
The Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said, ""The one to lead the people in salat should be the most adept at reciting teh Book of Allah: if they are equal in recitation, then teh most learned in the sunnah; and if they are equal in the Sunnah, then the one who made Hijrah earlier. And if they are equal in Hijrah, then the one who is older; and a man should certainly not lead where the other has authority, nor sit in his house on his furnishings without his permission." [Muslim]
A man's authority covers political authority or a man in his own house, or the Imam of a Masjid. Any of these has more right to lead salat where he has authority than anyone else, unless he grants to other permission."
From the book: The Pillars of Islam and Iman and what every Muslim must know about his Religion  by Shaykh Muhammad bin Jamil Zeno. Page:121
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