Shaykh Muhammad Al Imaam: The right of each individual Muslim
نسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
It's compulsory upon the Muslim to interact with his muslim brothers with fairness, kindness, (good) exhortation, and counsel. Also to not oppress nor forsake them. And to not hand them over to anyone that will oppress them. The Muslim aids those who are oppressed and aids the oppressor by preventing him from oppression. If he's unable then he distances himself from the oppressor's evil.
Furthermore, he loves his brothers to the extent of their righteousness. He hates whoever is a sinner or innovator (in the religion) from them to the extent of his opposition (to the Quran and Sunnah). Therefore the disobedient believer in that which the Messenger came with has accumulated for himself love from one perspective and hate from another. Thus he is loved due to his Islam and uprightness and hated due to his opposition (persisting in sinful actions or statements publicly without shame) towards his Lord and Messenger. Whenever his uprightness becomes plentiful, love for him is plentiful. Hence the opposite is applied for the opposite.
مأخوذ من المؤامرة الكبرى على المرأة المسلمة
ترجمة: نجيب بن يوسف الأنجلسي
Translated by Najeeb Al Angelesi
It's compulsory upon the Muslim to interact with his muslim brothers with fairness, kindness, (good) exhortation, and counsel. Also to not oppress nor forsake them. And to not hand them over to anyone that will oppress them. The Muslim aids those who are oppressed and aids the oppressor by preventing him from oppression. If he's unable then he distances himself from the oppressor's evil.
Furthermore, he loves his brothers to the extent of their righteousness. He hates whoever is a sinner or innovator (in the religion) from them to the extent of his opposition (to the Quran and Sunnah). Therefore the disobedient believer in that which the Messenger came with has accumulated for himself love from one perspective and hate from another. Thus he is loved due to his Islam and uprightness and hated due to his opposition (persisting in sinful actions or statements publicly without shame) towards his Lord and Messenger. Whenever his uprightness becomes plentiful, love for him is plentiful. Hence the opposite is applied for the opposite.
مأخوذ من المؤامرة الكبرى على المرأة المسلمة
ترجمة: نجيب بن يوسف الأنجلسي
Translated by Najeeb Al Angelesi