
The Excellence of Aaishah

ReviewReviewReviewReviewReviewThe Excellence of AaishahApr 27, '09 10:47 PM
for everyone
Genre:Religion & Spirituality
Author:Aboo Waheedah As-Salafee (compiler)
Alhamdulillah it was an amazing book, it is a gift for someone but i needed to finish to see what is given as gift, and also as i may not buy it for myself (still thinking if i should buy or not) i wanted to finish reading so as to benefit as much as Allah wills.

it was a beautiful book. i totally recommend to every brothers before every sisters, because subhan allah you could see how kind our prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam was to his wife and how much he loved her, and you could feel it. and then you could see how his noble beloved wife was to him, mash-Allah.

and may Allah guide us and give us tawpiq to follow her example, in her manners, and knowledge and worship of Allah, her humility, and humbleness. Allahu Akbar.

I hope Allah guides me and benefits me from i have learned and read from this book.

i will include one narration or 2 from the book that we can all benefit from:

"indeed people are forgetful of one of the best and greatest act of worship: humility and humbleness"


"glad tiding for the person who has in his book of recording of deeds, a lot of istighfaar (seeking forgiveness)"

- don't you think these 2 narrations of her are enough to suffice our life with. May Allah guide me. ameen.

----------------------- more on the book you can find here: http://almuflihoon.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=283:the-excellence-of-aaishah&catid=99:publications&Itemid=203

i bought from dar-us-salam store brooklyn, the shipping i think was bad, almost all books had damage on them, i tried best to find nice copy. i hope i did.


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