Shaykh Muhammad Al Imaam: The right of the Messenger
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
It's compulsory for every Muslim to believe that Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul Muttalib is the messenger of Allah sent to all the creation, the Arab, non Arab, human, and jinn til the establishment of the Hour. Also we believe he is the last of the prophets and messengers. So there is no prophet nor messenger after him until the Hour is established. We obey him in everything he has commanded, and we abandon everything he has forbid us from.
Furthermore, we affirm the truthfulness of that which he informed us (from that which is unseen). And we know with absolute certainty that worship to Allah can not be, except upon his way, besides that the doors are closed and the paths are blocked against every person until he follows the Messenger. Likewise we love him more than we love ourselves. Loving him is by following him publicly and privately, in ease and in difficulty.
We believe in his infallibility, his intercession (on the Day of Resurrection) that Allah will honor him with, his fountain that Allah will bestow upon him exclusively, and other things from that which is well known and compulsory for the Muslim to believe and traverse upon concerning the right of the noble Messenger.
مأخوذ من المؤامرة الكبرى على المرأة المسلمة
ترجمة: نجيب بن يوسف الأنجلسي
Translated by Najeeb Al Angelesi
It's compulsory for every Muslim to believe that Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul Muttalib is the messenger of Allah sent to all the creation, the Arab, non Arab, human, and jinn til the establishment of the Hour. Also we believe he is the last of the prophets and messengers. So there is no prophet nor messenger after him until the Hour is established. We obey him in everything he has commanded, and we abandon everything he has forbid us from.
Furthermore, we affirm the truthfulness of that which he informed us (from that which is unseen). And we know with absolute certainty that worship to Allah can not be, except upon his way, besides that the doors are closed and the paths are blocked against every person until he follows the Messenger. Likewise we love him more than we love ourselves. Loving him is by following him publicly and privately, in ease and in difficulty.
We believe in his infallibility, his intercession (on the Day of Resurrection) that Allah will honor him with, his fountain that Allah will bestow upon him exclusively, and other things from that which is well known and compulsory for the Muslim to believe and traverse upon concerning the right of the noble Messenger.
مأخوذ من المؤامرة الكبرى على المرأة المسلمة
ترجمة: نجيب بن يوسف الأنجلسي
Translated by Najeeb Al Angelesi