
Question: What is the ruling regarding undergoing plastic surgery?

Question: What is the ruling regarding undergoing plastic surgery?
Response: Plastic surgery as applied in (the field of) medicine is divided into two categories:

One of them (is that which) is beautifying (oneself) by removing a defect which a person incurs as a result of an accident or other than that, wherein there is no (legal) harm (prohibition) in (doing so) because the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) permitted a man whose nose was cut off during battle (to replace his nose, but) not to take on a (replacement) nose (made) from gold. (Refer to the hadeeth of 'Urfujah bin As'ad (radhi-yAllaahu 'anhu) in the Sunan of Abu Daawood, at-Tirmidhee and an-Nasaa.ee)

Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan
al-Muntaqaa min Fataawa Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan - Volume 5, Page 338, Fatwa No.45

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