Perfecting the Obligatory : A Treatise on the Performance of the Sunnah Prayers
This is one of the Great publication of ITI publication. Alhamdulillah.
The book is really great in terms of its organization and authenticity of course. The Shaykh mentions almost all optional prayers in the book sections by sections, including in each section only the authentic ahadeeth.
and at the end of the Book Shaykh puts a chart together to summarize the whole book Alhamdulillah.
One of the optional forgotten [almost] prayer is the Four Rakah Sunnah prayer Before Asr Prayer, Alhamdulillah. I received feedback from people if it exist or not after i mentioned it. Mash-Allah. People becomes alert and ask is there such prayer and they will be asking where did you find it, in which book is the hadeeth? Mash-Allah.
The Hadeeth is in Sunan Abu Dawud and It is a saheeh hadeeth. Shaykh Saleh as Saleh [] mentions it also in his class on the book: important lessons for the ummah of ibn Bazz.
also another prayer: Two rakah before Magrib, one time i was about to start the prayer, some sisters where like there is no such prayer or some such talks, to stop me from praying, instead of talking too much, i just started my prayer. Alhamdulillah.
Then they asked a sister who knew of it, so she replied saying, it is very very very very optional prayer, subhan Allah.
People forgot so many sunnan and took to innovate so many innovated prayers. mash-Allah.
May Allah guide us all to the Sunnah and give us firmness upon obedience to Him. Ameen.
You can buy the book from online. Just search up at google by the title of the book.