
Intention for seeking knowledge

Intention for seeking knowledge

Allah has said in his book: "And they were not ordered except to worship Allah with sincerity..."

On the authority of Umar Ibn Khattab he said: I heard the Messenger say: "Verily actions are by intentions and everyone will have what he has intended. So whomsoever's migration is for Allah and his Messenger then it was for Allah and his Messenger. And his his migration was for the Dunya to get something from it or for a woman wo marry her then his migration would be for what he migrated for."

The Prophet said: "Whomsoever seeks knowledge that supposed to be for the face of Allah, but they do not seek it except to show themselves in front of the Ulama, and argue with the foolish, and so that people's faces are turned toward them they will not smell the fragrance of Jannah."

And he informed us in a Hadeeth in Muslim that the first one to be flung into the hellfire is a scholar who did not read the Qur'an except to be known as a Qaari.

One of the Salaf said: "I have not repaired anything as hard upon me as my intention."

One of the Salaf said: "Whomsoever seeks knowledge for other than the sake of Allah, Allah plans for him."

Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal when asked about the intention to seek knowledge said: "To raise ignorance from yourself and from others."

And there are many other Aathar or narrations in this. We must be careful with our intentions for seeking knowledge. Because good intentions bring blessings and understanding of the religion. As the Messenger said: "Whomsoever Allah wants good for he makes him understand the relgion." As for evil intentions it would only bring about ignorance and the curse of Allah as what happened with the hypocrites who were described as those who do not understand.

As for how to gain sincerity it is through two ways:

(1) Not loving praise. As Ibnul Qayyim Al Jawzeeyah said that cut off the love of praise for yourself and slaughter it with a knife. As for those who love praise they do not have good intentions. As Allah described them in Surah Aali 'Imraan: "They loved to be praised for what they did not do." Additionally the Messenger said if someone praises you throw dirt on their faces because it is as if they want to slaughter you.

(2) Renewal of the intention at all times. This requires that one is always conscious of Allah ta'ala. Through this one's intention will be kept straight and would not go right or left. Meaning that if Shaitaan whispers remember Allah and renew your intention.

And Allah knows best.
Shaikh Rabee' said: It is upon you to place emphasis on your time. It is compulsory for a Salafi student of knowledge to not waste his time.

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