Important points to bring happiness in Family by Shaykh Afgani - Notes from The Righteous Wife event | May 3, '09 7:28 PM for everyone |
Just to share with You and Others
- Notes are from the Lecture of Shaky Abu Salah Al-Afgani translated by brother Abu Yusuf Khalifa from Yesterday's event "The Righteous Wife."
The shaykh abu salah al-afgani begun by praising Allah and asking Allah to protect the noble muslimat here living in the state, and to preserve their deen and then the shaykh expressed his gratitude for the sisters them seeking knowledge, exerting themselves and attempting to seek knowledge, then shaykh said he was informed of the title and it was about "being a righteous wife to one's husband", shaykh said, this title truly in need of a great lecture, this title, which is a noble title, is in need of a great lecture.
however, shaykh said, he will mention some important points that will be of an assistance to bring about happiness in the home.
first point: woman has to be mind of Allah, and know that Allah is aware and watching them, so therefore, her statement and actions going to be in accordance to this matter, and she is going to deal wit h her husband and children in a manner pleasing to Allah, since she knows Allah is watching them - so she keeps the duty to Allah by behaving with her husband and children in a good manner.
shaykh said, when she does this, she brings about happiness for herself firstly and she brings about happiness for her husband secondly and she brings about happiness for her household thirdly.
then shaykh said, those who spent their life upon the fear of Allah, this is the true and happy life.
as Allah said, "Wheover does good, - whether the person male or female - and the person believes, then we will cause them to live a good life". and here the shaykh said, the happy and good life is based upon Imaan and based upon righteous actions.
the second point: the woman should be aware of the rights that her husband has over her, in order that she may implement and fulfill the rights that her husband has over her. and when she fulfills the right of her husband over her, then this will be a cause for her happiness and happiness for her husband as well as happiness within the home.
as the Prophet sallallahu alayhe said, "if the woman prays her five prayers and she fasts her fast, and she is obedient to her husband, she will enter the jannah of her Lord upon safety and security."
the third point: she should know her rights over her husband, so not only that she knows the rights of her husband over her, she also knows her rights over her husband, in order that she does not seek more than what is due to her, and not seek less than what is due to her. Rather she seeks that which is obligatory and that which is recommended.
so the person when is not aware of the rights of others, then it is a possibility, the individual will go overboard and transgress the bound in that which they are seeking for the person will be negligent in that affair.
and Allah said, "owe to the mutaffifin, - those who give less in measure and weight", those who when they have to receive measure they take in full, but when it is time for them to give measure, they give less in measure than due.
shaykh then mentioned that these characteristics that have been mentioned by Allah regarding these individuals, we find these characteristics in many of the households today.
as you have one of the spouses when it comes to receiving their rights, they want all of their rights, but when it comes to give you the rights others have over them, they do not give that which is upon them to give. this leads to enmity and hatred amongst the spouses.
and it is upon the rights to understand that the best house of the houses of the Muslims is the house of the prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, and even in the house of the prophet there were some difference that took place.
so what is the remedy, then the shaykh directed us to two points: the shaykh said the remedy is returning back to the legislation.
then the shaykh mentioned the narration where the prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said, the best woman are those who are *raguugh* - what is meant by this that when her husband is mad at her, she does not sleep and she stands by his side and put his hands on her hand and says, by Allah, i will not sleep until you are pleased with me.
the second point that shaykh mentioned is that the woman should be not be the cause for the angering of her husband. as if she was to anger her husband, this could be a cause for her prayer not to be accepted and other than that.
as the shaykh mentioned the hadith where the prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said, any woman sleeps while her husband is angry with her, the angels - they curse her.
the woman - she wants to preserve these matters that have been mentioned, and search for the ways of happiness so that she can bring harmony and happiness in the home.
then shaykh mentioned, if there is two of doing that, then one is by way of sharia - legislation of islam, and another is by way of worldly affairs.
the way of sharia is mentioned already above and the worldly affair is by woman beautifying herself and changing the situations time to time according to that which is suitable in that which will bring about harmony in the home.
then shaykh mentioned it is upon both spouses to have fear of Allah, and to read the biography of the prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallamas well as the biographies of the wives of the prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam and in doing that the person will attain the guidance and true happiness.
then the shaykh mentioned, he advised us to read a book by Siddiq Hassan Khan call "The goodness of the family" - the ways of bringing about goodness for the family,and in that book there is beautiful points and principles that are connected to the family. Shaykh said, the sisters should read this book, if this work is translated, if not have someone translate this book for them insha-Allah for the contained benefit.