
Importance of Tawhed by Shaykh Muhammad As-Subayyal

Importance of Tawhed by Shaykh Muhammad As-Subayyal
Question: how to be safe from ghulu (extremism) in the religion, and how to be protected from partisanship and having association to individuals and groups?
Answer: it is through guarding the religion, and having taqwa of allah, and obeying allah and obeying the Messenger of Allah. (Learning the deen)
- having manner of qur'an as it was the character of our prophet as well as the character of the salaf.  (character of our prophet was that of qur'an).
- solution is sticking to the way of salaf, qur'an and sunanh and way of the salaf.
- some people go around and involve  themselves with that which does not concern themselves.
- problem is when we involve ourself with that which does not concern us, the prophet said: from the goodness of a muslim is to leave off that which does not concern him.
- solution: stick to the way of salaf, qur'an and sunnah.
- and do not busy yourself with those who are upon other than this way,
- this is why the prophet sallallahu alyhe wa sallam said stick to my sunnah, and sunnah of my rightly guided khalif.
- shaykh advised over and over again to stick to qur'an and sunnah and way of salaf.
----------------------------------the end-------------------------------2 extra ones for my beloved sisters, these are short, so here------------------------------
Question; can women wear pants under their jilbabs?
Answer: La bas, its ok, as long as it is the pants that are worn by women.
Question: is  it obligatory for women to wear black only? or they can wear other colors?
Answers: it is permissible for women to wear any colors they want, but it should not be something that are worn by men. for example, in Saudi men wear one types of clothing, it is not permissible for women to copy them. the sisters should wear their jilbab in way worn normally by sisters.

please NOTE: it is not word for word transcription rather meaning of what i heard. so do not call it transcription kindly. and if any mistake or such, let me know always. i do not permit editing of my notes without my knowledge, someone edited my notes from shadeed lecture, i do not permit it, if you do not understand, ask me and if you find mistakes let me know. but do not edit and say it is transcription. insha-allah. barak allahu feekum

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