
Give your brothers action the best interpretation

Sa’eed bin Al-Musayyab was reported to have said:

“Some of my brothers among the Companions of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, wrote me the following message:

“Give your brother’s action the best interpretation you could find as long as you have not seen any proof that would make you think otherwise. Do not ever give the word uttered by a Muslim bad interpretation as long as you can find better interpretation for it. 

But he who makes himself vulnerable to suspicion should blame only himself. He who conceals his secrets has the options in his hand. 

The best reward you can give someone who disobeys Allah through you is to obey Allah through him. Be always truthful even if truth is going to kill you. Do not envy anyone except in regard to something for which the dead person is envied. 

And consult, in respect to your affairs, only those who fear Allah in their privacy

Imam Ibn al-Jawzi

"Know, that days are but hours, and hours are but breaths, and every soul is a container, hence let not any breath pass without any benefit,
such as on the Day of Judgement you find an empty container and feel regret!
Be aware of every hour and how it passes, and only spend it in the best possible way; do not neglect yourself, but render it accustomed to the noblest and best of actions, and send to your grave that which will please you when you arrive to it."
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