الحمد لله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات
الحمد لله على كل حال
انتهى الصف و الدروس و الاختبار
و سأكون في البيت إن شاء الله. عندي دراسة كثيرة هناك.
إن شاء الله سأكون جيدة.
كان الاختبار سهلا الحمد لله.
There are some notes i will still post tomorrow insha-Allah. So whoever stops by this blog can learn much of the basics of Arabic.
may Allah reward all those who dropped me to the train stations and to the house with good in this duniyah and in the akirah. Ameen. May Allah reward QSSNY's Admin for offering such an excellent class like this one. I will really miss my sisters in the class. I came to know so many new lovely sisters. May Allah reward them greatly for their great support and care toward me. Ameen.
I don't know when i will stop by that Masjid again and i don't know when i will see my sisters again either.
May Allah bless everyone and give us all success in our Arabic Study and may Allah keep us all steadfast upon His Path. Ameen.
was-salamualikum warahma tullahi wabaraka tuhu
may Allah reward all those who dropped me to the train stations and to the house with good in this duniyah and in the akirah. Ameen. May Allah reward QSSNY's Admin for offering such an excellent class like this one. I will really miss my sisters in the class. I came to know so many new lovely sisters. May Allah reward them greatly for their great support and care toward me. Ameen.
I don't know when i will stop by that Masjid again and i don't know when i will see my sisters again either.
May Allah bless everyone and give us all success in our Arabic Study and may Allah keep us all steadfast upon His Path. Ameen.
was-salamualikum warahma tullahi wabaraka tuhu