Question: Are women's feet a part of their 'awrah ( عورة -that part of the body which is illegal to expose to others) and should women cover their feet?
Answer: Yes, she has to cover her feet and she has to cover everything from her body in salaah ( صلاة- prayer) except her face. If in salaah her feet become uncovered then it does not invalidate the Salaah because there is Ikhtilaaf ( الاختلاف -difference) in this affair. And some of the Fuqahaa' ( الفقهاء - jurists) have said if her feet become uncovered in Salaah then her Salaah does not become nullified but she has to be very protective of keeping them covered whilst in Salaah.
Answered by: Shaykh Saalih al Luhaydaan
Title of Lecture: Islaam vs. Terrorism
Date of the Lecture: September 11th, 2004
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