
Azar Habib - Going Round to the "Dayer-dayer"عازار حبيب - عالداير داير مندارA Dayer Dayer Mindar

So the context of the song is they are dancing around to a debke song, ie folk music, called the "dayer-dayer". This form of dance you dance in a big circle holding hands. In this case, they are distributed in a boy-girl configuration, and he finds himself surrounded by two beautiful girl, and now he has to choose, although he seems to be contemplating the idea of just taking both of them in the last verse.

Azar Habib - Going round to the "dayer-dayer"

We're going round to the "dayer-dayer"
And there's too many pretty girls around me
This brunette has beautiful eyes
And the blonde is getting jealous
Who should I pick? I can't decide

The way the blonde moves is gonna drive me out of my mind
If I'm gone for a minute she misses me no matter how long the trip
Damn she's nice, she's so jealous
Who should I pick? I can't decide

This brunette with such dark beautiful lashes
Where did this magic come from (cuz she's encanting him)
I gave her my heart by the well when we were little kids
And now that we've grown up who should I pick?
I can't decide

Oh Lord, give me two hearts and two worlds and let me go back and forth between them
I can't choose on my own
My whole youth is going to go by (literally, "the flowers of my life will wilt" and he says this because he is spending so long confused and undecided)
Who should I pick? I can't decide

عازار حبيب - عالداير داير مندار

عالداير داير مندار حوالي الحلوين كتار
هالسمرا عيونها حلوين والشقرا علي بتغار مين بدي نقي محتار

شقرا نقلتها نقلة رح بتطير لي عقلي غبت دقيقة بتشتاق لي كيف ما نطولت المشوار
يخرب ذوقها شو بتغار ومين بدي نقي محتار

عالداير داير مندار حوالي الحلوين كتار
هالسمرا عيونها حلوين والشقرا علي بتغار مين بدي نقي محتار

سمرا بكحلة ريف العين من جابت هالسحر مين
سلمت لها قلبي عالعين كنا يومها ولاد صغار وهلق لما صرنا كبار مين بدي نقي محتار

عالداير داير مندار حوالي الحلوين كتار
هالسمرا عيونها حلوين والشقرا علي بتغار مين بدي نقي محتار

يا رب عطيني قلبين ت في ارضي التنتين وقضيها مابين وبين مش قادر وحدي اختار
رح تدبل وردات العمر مين بدي نقي محتار

عالداير داير مندار حوالي الحلوين كتار
هالسمرا عيونها حلوين والشقرا علي بتغار مين بدي نقي محتار

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